Sunday, April 29, 2012

Silver Boobs!!!!

Well, in 11 days I'll be reaching the silver boob award!  I'm quite excited about that.  It took me a while to figure out what these "boobie awards" were.  I saw them all over the place on baby forums.  So Silver boobie award means that I've been breastfeeding for 6 months.
Wyatt after breastfeeding
I'm hoping to breastfeed as long as I can.  Or to the point where Wyatt is 18 months.  Well, I don't knwo yet, I'm not quite sure how I entirely feel about extending breastfeedinghim.  Maybe 2 years old?  Ha, I'm just kind of in the "whatever happens, happens".  I love breastfeeding him and I'm lucky to be able to as well.  It's by far the best bonding experience ever!  If I had the time, I would probably try to become a lactation consultant.  But I'm not one to tell someone forumla feeding is bad.  Honestly, I think now it's more so a choice if someone would rather breastfeed or formula feed.  I'm not going to judge if someone is formula feeding their baby.  I think that's the problem with some lactation consultants.  And some moms who are breastfeeding their babies.

Actually, Wyatt was formula fed at first because I was told to by the hospital.  If I would have read more into breastfeeding, I probably would have opt out of formula feeding him at the hospital.  I would have worked on getting him to latch since I was able to get him to latch a few times, but I gave up so easily and just gave him formula because I didn't know any better. I would have just breastfed him before I found out he hand jaundice.  Then in that case, I would be ALL over formula to feed him since that was what was helping him get rid of the jaundice fast.  He was out within a few days :-)  So I'm very happy that I was able to formula feed him and luckily I didn't have any trouble with "nipple confusion".  I remember I had a hard time at first with breastfeeding him.  I had so many days where It was just too painful to breastfeed him, but I powered through those pains and tried correcting his latch.  Lanolin was with me 24/7 because it helped out with relieving some pain so much!  A few days after bringing Wyatt home, I scheduled an appointment with the lactation consultant because of the fact that I had a hard time getting him to latch.  She suggested I used a nipple shield.  It worked GREAT!  I then stopped giving him formula, unless we were out and about because I wasn't comfortable with nursing in public yet.  I think i used the nipple shield for about a month and a half.  That nipple shield was awesome, but it was such a pain in the butt to have to put it on every single feeding.  So I started weaning him off the nipple shield.  Within a few days, I put the the nipple shield aside and I have never used it again.  I love breastfeeding, and I know that when I have to give it up, I'll miss it, but I'll probably be happy to have my boobs back!  haha.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I love little... EVERYTHING!

So I just have to announce that I absolutely love everything about Wyatt...  I know, I know... "Well, duh, he is your son!"  haha!  But like my boss says, your love for your kid is so totally different than your love for your husband/wife.  So true!!!  He makes me smile EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I love his little hands, his little feet, his little arms and legs...

well, you get the picture!  I don't know what it is, but I LOVE his little feet.  Even though they have a little stink to them, I still love kissing and smelling them (OMG, i know, i'm weird!).  I wonder if it's because I got it from my mom doing it to my little brother???

When I nurse him, sometimes he swings his arms and hits me, a lot!  So what I like to do is have him hold my finger so he doesn't do it so much.  And I love it!  I love his little hands holding mine.  Sometimes I'll put my hand in front of his face and he likes to reach out and grab it.  His smile just melts my heart.  I try not to do so much when we get home from daycare because I only have a few hours monday through friday with him since in the AM, I have to get ready for work, and he's only awake for so long after eating his morning meal and his bed time is 7pm.

Oh, and I found out, he loves things that squeek!  A friend of ours gave Wyatt a Sophia giraff.  Unfortunately, Mr. T wants to get his paws on it because it squeeks...  Still trying to teach Mr. T that it's not his.  But anyway, Wyatt loves it!  He smiles when it squeeks!

Anyway, this momma is going to relax a little...  Boy do I miss my son during the day...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So proud of my little guy!

So I did a modified version of crying it out with Wyatt a few days ago. And niw, I can put him to bed and he'll go to sleep on his own. What I did was, when he was fussing in bed, I would let him fuss. But I would pick him up when he would cry for a little while. A few times he let out a cry but stopped and went to sleep.  I'm not comfortable with letting him just wail until he sleeps. Not my cup of tea. If it works for other parents, and they're comfortable with it, cool! There's so many different ways to sleep train an infant. I kind of let Wyatt find his bed time and luckily his bed time is at 7 pm. Then I have quite a few hours to do whatever!

I have actually started showering at night and get myself ready for the next day. Today I did my make up! It's been long overdue for this momma. I haven't waxed my eyebrows since Wyatt was born, finally got it done over the weekend. I also have these foam rollers too and I tried it out on Saturday after my shower. On Sunday morning, I took the rollers out and at first it looked like my hair was too curley. Ran my fingers through it a few times and it turned out great. Did that again last night and I had a lot of compliments today! So having those hours after Wyatt goes to bed is a much needed mommy time :-)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sippy cup!!!!

Lately, Wyatt has been grabbing things and putting them in his mouth. when he is being fed, bottle or by spoon, he reaches out for them and tries to hold it himself. So yesterday I bought him a sippy cup with handles to get him started on learning on his own.

When I first gave it to him with some brest milk in it, he loved it! I held the sippy cup in front of him and when he grabbed the handles, I helped him guide the spout to his mouth. Took a few tries and he figured it out! Then today, we did the same thing and I guided him a few times, but most of the time he did it himself!!! I am so proud of my little guy!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Crazy Friday... Worried mom...

So, today was crazy.  Some crazy person(s) were running around the streets today and ended up just a few miles away from home AND Wyatt's daycare.  Needless to say, yes, I was a worried...  extremely worried mommy!  I called the daycare as soon as I got off work to find out if there were any streets near that area that were blocked off.  Luckily, none of the streets near the place were blocked off.  But on the way home, I had to take a few detours.  After buckling Wyatt in, I always manually lock his door side and I tend to forget to lock my side.  So as soon as I got in, I hit the lock 3 time..  OCD thing I have...  The last hour of work I was thinking how I'd rather be with my lil guy and safe at home where I know I can protect us and Mr. T always barks at people who walks by the apartment if he doesn't recognize the footsteps.  Yeah... he's THAT good!  haha!!!

Wyatt now has a bedtime and I already started a sleeping schedule...  He was doing great going to bed by 7pm on his own.  When daycare started, it got all messed up.  So now that everything has settled down, I started him back up again in getting into a sleeping schedule.  It requires a little bit of him whinning (once he starts crying and won't calm down after a bit, I'll tend to him).  Within a few minutes, he goes to sleep on his own.  I feel more comfortable doing it this way and at his current age than when I was told to do it when he was younger.  To me (and what pediatricians have told me), a baby cries for a reason.  And I'll "spoil" him until he gets to an age where he understands what right and wrong is.

Well, it's time for this momma to go to bed...  Goodnight all!

Total Newbie move!

So, I have a blogger app on my phone.  I know, you're probably wondering.. "if you have a blogger app on your phone, how come you don't post every day??"  Well, with the schedule I have and with a newborn, it's kind of hard to do so when I'm constantly TIRED!

Anyway...  I did a total newbie blogger move!  The first post since returning to work, I had pictures of Wyatt on it.  My app showed that it was still a draft, so I clicked on publish because I could have sworn I was done with it...  Ugh..  Oh well, live and learn, right??!!

I think I was saying how time went by so fast, Wyatt's almost 6 months old, and how big he's getting.  I also mentioned how he got to see the easter bunny too!

Wyatt at 2 weeks old

Wyatt's 2nd visit to So Cal

Wyatt with the Easter Bunny!

Yeah, I'm not going to add more info.  But can you tell how big he's gotten from 2 weeks old to 5 months old!  phew, kid is growing fast!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wyatt's first small fall

Poor Wyatt, he took his first fall yesterday.  It wasn't anything major thankgoodness.  But I always read up on babies falling and hearing stories of dropped babies by accident.  And every response I've heard or seen online was/is "it happens... and it's not the last either."

So, what happened was, Greg was putting Wyatt in his swing and at the same time, Mr. T was being VERY spastic.  More than usual.  While he was getting ready to buckle Wyatt in, at the same time, Mr. T was being very needy, so Greg was trying to tell Mr. T to calm down.  Next thing he sees is Wyatt rolling around in his swing and rolls off his seat and face plants to the ground.  Greg tried to catch Wyatt but Wyatt slipped out of his hands.  The fall was only a few inches away and Greg said Wyatt cried for a few seconds and was perfectly fine after Greg picked him up.  Greg felt so bad that, that happened.  He called me shortly after it happened and I could just hear the dissapointment in his voice.  I told him to not worry about it and that it happens.  Greg called me again later that afternoon and was telling me that he couldn't stop thinking about it.  So I assured him that it's goign to be OK and that babies fall all the time and that it's not going to be the last time either.  I almost cried for him because of how bad he felt.  He said he felt like he just won the worlds worst father award.  His boss even told him that baby falls happen and it'll happen often especially once they're mobile.  But on top of that, his boss was making fun of him all day.  Poor Wyatt on his first fall... and poor Greg on feeling so horrible.  I tried making him feel better when we got home.  He just couldn't stop thinking about it because he said the look that Wyatt gave him looked like "really, you dropped me?" kind of look.  I know it'll happen to me one day too.  And I'll feel the same way Greg felt.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Back to work...

Well, I went back to work on Monday April 2nd. Daddy watched Wyatt that day and did great until it got close to me getting off work... Then all I hear in the background when Greg called to tell me to hurry home was crying. He couldn't get wyatt to calm down.

It's partially my fault as I took on majority of the care giving role and did not have any trial run for daddy while I was on maternity leave.

Speaking of maternity leave, I'm so glad and lucky to be able to stay home and care for Wyatt... Even though there has been days where it was a weeee but difficult. Caring for an infant is a trial and error process until you get the hang of it... Then another stage of trial and error... It's just an on going process. But I love every minute of it. Including the days where I feel exhausted, overwhelmed, depressed, burnt out!

The other day when I was organizing the laptop to make it more user friendly for us and be able to find the things we need, I stumbled upon some pictures of Wyatt when he was born. I swear it feels like forever ago, but really it was only 5 months ago. I just can't believe he got so big so fast and hit his milestones on time or a little early.  Right now he's learning how to sit up on his own. He can roll over from tummy to back, grab things and put them in his mouth, giggle at the most silliest things. Oh the giggles get to me! I love it.

**this was supposed to be posted, but I guess I forgot to hit publish**