Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Clean bill of health!

Well... almost.  I went to see my doctor last week to talk about why I have been so exhausted since I've been back to work.  I called the advice nurse and they asked me to do some blood work before the doctors appointment to test EVERYTHING.  Everything came back normal (yay me!) except for Vitamin D.  My Vitamin D was a little low.  Definitely below normal.  So my doc told me to take 5000 IU of Vitamin D a day.  She then asked me if I'm taking my prenatal vitamins since I'm still breastfeeding.  Unfortunately, I was not.  So  she gave me this "look"...  yeah, I know, bad me... I don't know why I never took my prenatal vitamins.  Just wasn't on my to do list.  So then she looks more into my records.  She saw that I was diagnosed with post-partum depression.  So she re-evaluated me to see where I am at as it might be connected with being constantly tired.

Well, the verdict is, I am still moderately severe depressed (i think that's how she put it).  Basically I'm a step above severely depressed.  which I was originally diagnosed with and a month later, moved to a step above towards getting better.  I thought I was getting better than my recent visit to the doctor before i went back to work.  I wasn't feeling so stressed.  I was starting to enjoy things more.  I also wasn't so emotional either.  But I have been having a very hard time concentrating on anything and everything.  I have also been having a hard time falling asleep every night no matter how tired I am.  And every weekend when Greg's at work, I do stay inside and do nothing but play with Wyatt and lounge.  I have also been wanting to just sleep more than anything.  So on top of taking my prenatal vitamin and extra vitamin D (since prenatal vitamin does not have 5000 IU), my doc said that it might help if I increase my zoloft a little too.

So now, everyday I take 1 horse pill of my prenatal vitamin, 4000 IU of  Vitamin D and 150mg of zoloft.  So far it has been helping out.  We shall see in these next few months.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Uh Oh!!!!!

Looks like someone is learning how to crawl!

Came home from work last thursday and I put Wyatt on the floor to do some tummy time.  At first I thought it was my eyes that were playing tricks on me.  I thought I saw Wyatt doing a push up in my perifrial, when I was looking away for a second.  But I thought... "no way..." So as I was watching Wyatt, he did another push up and then he was on his hands and knees for a quick second!  I admit that

Monday, June 18, 2012

1st Birthday Excitement!

Last week, I used Mixbook to make Wyatt's 1st birthday invitations and we received them today!!!  I was telling my mom how excited I am for Wyatt's first birthday, but at the same time I'm not.  If you've been following my blog, I've been complaining about how fast Wyatt is growing.  And how fast time went by.  That's why I'm excited but at the same time not.

Yup, we just got the invitations today!!!!  Daddy was home with Wyatt today.  When I came home from work, he pointed to a box that was on the futon.  I asked if those were the invitations and yup they were!  I think he got excited because the top of the box is all tore up.  Our friend asked if it was too early to be sending off invites to Wyatt's first birthday.  But his birthday is 5 months away!  Crazy!!!!  Plus I would like to send the invites out to friends and family that are out of town so that if they can make it, they can plan for it ahead of time.  I can't wait to send them out.

I love the photo we used.  It took quite a few pictures to finally get the right one...  But it wasn't quite what I wanted.  But things with stuff happened and I couldn't get him back in his Blues for more pictures.  We received his blues 2 Fridays ago and I had the weekend and Monday to take pictures and create his invitations.  I bought a groupon back in December and it's expiration date was that Tuesday or Wednsday.  So I had a limited time to get the right photo.  With an infant and trying to get him to do what you want him to do can only be done in small time frames.  Oh and It's quite difficult to do it by yourself as well.  Daddy was out the day I took the photos, which were a Sunday and I figured I would get him started with the picture taking so that he can nap afterwards and get back at it again.  Well, I tried getting him to sit on his own, but he kept leaning back and wanting to lay down.  I couldn't get him to actually sit.  I tried a bunch of different positions with the cover next to him, or the cover on him.  So then I was playing with him and he wanted to stand instead of sit.  So I had him stand as I'm holding him with one hand and taking a picture here adn there with the other.  I kind of liked it that way.  So I tried to get him to wear the cover on his head.  It's daddy's cover, so it kept sliding to the side, to the front, to the back.... pretty much all over the place instead of just steadily on top.  But he was a squirmy little kid!  But out of all the pictures I took, this one was the best.  I was going to go for another round with him when Greg got home, but he started to rub his eyes and he was ready for bed.  So I took his blues off and got him ready for bed.  I was going to try again the next day to get the cover to be on his head straight, but shortly after we got home, poor guy threw up.  So I knew picture taking was just a no go at all that night.  So I knew out of all the pictures I took that Sunday, I had to pick the best one.  And honestly, I LOVE it.  It turned out great!

Trying to get him to sit was kind of difficult.  Since he can't sit on his own yet, his boppy is under the American flag and Marine Corps flag.  Since I'm still getting used to my camera and I don't have a hot shoe flash for lighting, I tried to see what the picture would look like if I turned the camera upside down.  Not too bad.  But still flat looking.
Most of the pictures I have is of him laying down.  I couldn't get him to just sit.

This one was one I liked as well.  But the boppy is showing (I don't have photoshop to fix that) and it's a little blurry.
 Blurry a little as well.  But I wanted him to be looking at the camera instead.
 Love the "tilted" cover.  It gave it the "oldies" feeling.

This one is pretty cute too.  But I wanted him to look at teh camera!

I think this was the only time I was able to take a picture with the cover on him right.  But he wasn't looking at the camera!!!!

So yeah...  A lot of pictures were taken.  And majority of them were blurry as I was shooting blind since I was holding him with my other hand.  But the invites turned out great any way!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rollie Pollie!!!!

In my previous blog, I was talking about how Wyatt learned how to roll over from his back to his tummy.  Well, now he's just rolling around to get to where he wants to be.  He enjoys it so much that he'll even roll to Mr. T and just start giggling for no reason!!!!  It's too cute.

So now, I pull out a bed sheet and just placed it on the floor for him to enjoy.  I love laying down with him and when he rolls over to me, I'll give him raspberries on his little tummy.  He LOVES that.  Actually, he enjoys that.  He giggles so much.  I think he's loving the fact that he is more mobile.  He's not crawling yet.  But it looks like he'll be crawling real soon!!!  Uh oh...  That means that Mommy and Daddy are going to be chasing him all over the place.

Well, sorry for the short post.  But this mommy is going to play with Wyatt :-)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

See you again someday...

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while.  A lot has been going on lately so I haven't had a chance to jump on here and blog about how Wyatt and us are doing.  Recently Wyatt's great grandfather passed away.  A few months back, I was able to take the last picture taken of Gread Grandpa.  His service was just this past monday, June 4th. 
Wyatt with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa
The day Great Grandpa passed, I left work, picked Wyatt up and headed over to Great Grandma's and Grandpa's house.  It was a very sad day that day.  When we arrived, we just missed them taking Grandpa away.  GGrandpa had surgery just about 2 weeks before.  He was home a few days after his surgery and was chatting and alert.  GGrandpa got to see Wyatt roll over from his back to his tummy that day.  He also got to hear Wyatt giggle as I was tickling his tummy.  GGrandpa kept telling Wyatt how he was going to tell him all kinds of stories about his Grandpa (Wyatt's Grandpa).  He was also telling Wyatt how he was going to tell him how to get into things (get in trouble basically).  We all miss you GGrandpa.  But we're all glad that you're not suffering anymore.  I'm glad GGrandpa got to watch Wyatt grow and develop as a baby.  Even though it was only 6 months, He has grown a lot.  Size-wise and physically/mentally.  I remember bringing him over when he was just weeks old.  How tiny he was and how all he wanted to do was eat, sleep and poop.  Last Christmas, we were invited to spend Christmas day at Grandma's and also with GGrandma and GGrandpa.  I told daddy that I wanted to spend that Christmas with GGrandma and GGrandpa, just in case it might be the last Christmas.  And I'm glad we did.  Wyatt was just a few months old then.  And still the same.  He just ate, slept and pooped. 

While I was on maternity leave, we would try to visit GGrandma and GGrandpa as much as possible.  Some days it would be just me and Wyatt visiting when daddy was working.  The visits were always hours long because visits were always fun.  Even though GGrandpa was a stubborn old man, he had such a warm and caring heart.  It was always fun to hang out with him.  To joke with him and just be there.  If you knew Grandpa, you would know his wealthy knowledge of antiques.  He had this obsession with peddle cars!  I always saw a little blue peddle car toy behind the couch.  I asked daddy about it one day and that's when I found out GGrandpa had that obsession.  Oh!  And his squirrels!!!  He has a few wood containers in the backyard filled with peanuts for his squirrels.  He was always talking about them.  How their fur was, or how the squirrels would chase each other.  Or how one would be sun bathing.  He loved his squirrels.  He would spend $20 per week just on a bag of peanuts for his squirrels.  Even though I only knew GGrandpa for only 5 years, I feel like we've been family for years.  He really did make me feel like his family.  He was always telling me to keep daddy in line.

My most favorite memory of GGrandpa was when GGrandma was in the hospital for surgery (this was years before Wyatt was born).  A few years before then, my grandmother passed away and was in the hospital in ICU for a while before going to a care home and she was very close to me.  Anyways, we all went to visit GGrandma in the hospital to send her well wishes.  Since it was ICU, only 2 at a time were allowed in.  So Daddy and Uncle went in first.  While the rest (me, Grandpa, GGrandpa and Aunt) of us were waiting outside, I started thinking about my Grandmother (who I call Lola).  And it started to bring back memories of her and of how much I missed her and the feeling I felt when I was told she passed away and the feeling I felt at her funeral.  So I had all this sadness just hit me like a brick all at once while we were waiting to be next to see GGrandma.  I didn't want to just start crying in front of them.  So I snuck away quietly to start crying because I couldn't hold it in anymore.  A few minutes later, I saw GGrandpa who was looking for me.  He knew why I was crying.  He sat me down in the waiting room and comforted me.  GGrandpa had a big heart.

We love you GGrandpa... Don't have too much fun with my relatives.