So I have been home with Wyatt all week. Unfortunately he got some kind of cold. Wasn't the kind of cold I had. I had dry cough. Him, however, had a horrible, horrible cough. It was so bad that when he coughed, he'd cry. I think his cough hurt him. Today is not so bad. But every night the past week, it took me 2 hours to put him back to sleep after he woke himself up from coughing. So I haven't had much sleep myself. I've been making sure that Wyatt is eating enough (but he would rather take his milk) and he's drinking enough too. I have started him on drinking out of a straw though... (I love those Take 'N Toss things, they're cheap and awesome!!!). Anyway, he eats little but drinks lots! It kind of started on Sunday and so I stayed home with him on Monday. I tried getting him to go back to sleep, but he just did not want to be away from mommy, even if that meant nap time! So finally around 4pm, he finally was down for a nap for an hour. But i really wanted him to take lots of naps. But thankfully on Tuesday, he took 2-2hour naps! Those are much needed for my poor little sick guy. This morning he woke up around 7:20am. He played for a little bit, about an hour or so. Then I put him down for a nap because he was being really fussy. He wouldn't nurse, he would cry if i nursed him, or cry if I was holding him while sitting down. So i fixed a bottle and put him in his crib and he is still asleep right now (10:30am). We have a docs appointment today at 11:30. So i know I'll have to wake him up soon to get him ready. or maybe I can just get him, put him in his car seat and go. Hopefully we can get this cold to go bye bye! And hopefully it's not croup like what his daddy had.