Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Well, I'm 13 weeks pregnant now. This Thursday will be 14 weeks and into my 2nd trimester!!! woohoo!!! I'm still tired as hell, especially lately since I haven't been sleeping well at all. As soon as I get to bed, I'd have to get up and pee! This is of course right after I went before hitting the sack... Then after having to get up off the bed to pee and back to bed again... an hour later, i have to pee again! Ugh! No wonder I have lack of sleep lately! On top of that, i've been really nauseas lately too. To the point where I actually gag and hope that I don't puke! *Cries* "the joys of being pregnant" as some women will tell me... Joys??? JOYS?!?!?! how is lack of sleep and feeling nauseas a "joy"??? I was in a deeeeeep sleep during my lunch hour today, throughout my whole lunch! I was so tired, I actually fell asleep in front of my computer 10 minutes (i think) before my lunch even started. So i decided, eh, what the hell, i'll just sleep through my lunch. Hopefully things will become better in the 2nd trimester.

Oh, and apparently I'm starting to show! WTH??? Where did this bump come from?!?!?! I wasn't expecting to actually show until I'm around 20 weeks because I am overweight (not too much, but enough that it will take me a while to actually start showing). Maybe I'm not as overweight as I thought I am? or maybe the shape of my body allows me to start showing around this time as usually women who are in their "ideal" weight start showing around this time. So I gotta start buying some tops as my shirts are really starting to piss me off because they're just too short!

So, I will be leaving Thursday early afternoon to fly down to So. Cal for the weekend! 2011 Cousinhood!!!! Now, if you're wondering what "cousinhood" is, it's our yearly get together with the female cousins (daughters of the sisters of my dad's side of the family). I can't wait and hopefully i can handle the flight! Flying jet blue for the first time too! I heard great reviews about them, so I'm excited! I'll be getting things ready tomorrow after work, packing and stuff like that. Bubbas will be staying with Aunt Mayra and Uncle Frank for the weekend with their new pup Lola. At least he'll have a friend with him, even though he's like 20x bigger than Lola. If I have time, i should visit the Palm Springs Crossfit since it's only a street away from where we will be staying. I haven't gone to crossfit at all tihs week. With the combination of tiredness and getting things ready, it's been kind of hard to do!

So, I shall close this blog and bid you all a good night as this mama is really needing some sleep!

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