Monday, October 15, 2012

Worst cold... EVER!!!

I was home on Wednsday because Wyatt woke up with a bad cold.  It was so bad, mommy and daddy could not calm him down. He was fussy and crying and was just miserable.  I wanted to cry!  When I needed to potty, I tried putting him down, but he wouldn't let me,  he would just start crying before i even put him down.  It was so bad, he wouldn't even give us a small smirk.  He was in and out of sleep in my arms all day that day.  When he was awke, I would either nurse him or give him a bottle.  But he was only awake for a few minutes.  Then he would just lay back on me and fall asleep again.  The only time we left the house was when I went to pick up some meds for him.  Then, it was back to lounging around, watching TV, and sleeping.  Even though I wanted to nap as well, I didn't want to put him down to accidentaly wake him.  Plus, I was enjoying having him in my arms.  It was so comforting.  I gave him kisses, patted his back, cuddled him.  anything I could do to make him feel just a wee bit better.

On Thursday he was a lot better.  He did start smiling more.  Giggling a little.  But he did take a 2 hour nap, in which I decided to take with him!  He still had a runny nose, his cough was a bit hoarse.  But he was doing a lot better.  We did go see the doctor because he's never had such a bad cold!  Doc prescribed us soem antibiotics just in case he might have an ear infection.  But luckily we didn't need it.

I took him to daycare on Friday because I had an interview that morning.  He was really doing a lot better.  I asked his daycare provider how he was doing.  She said he is doing just fine.  When I picked him up from daycare, he started crying when he saw me.  His daycare provider said that it was just him and another little girl that was at daycare that day.  A lot of people around me have been getting sick!  Probably because of the drastic change in weather. 

When we got home, I headed straight to the bathroom and started to not feel good at all.  What I was feeling was getting worse throughout the night.  Then Wyatt started to not feel good and threw up on me.  He threw up 3 times that night :-(  I think I have the stomach flu, and unfortunately passed it on to Wyatt.  Then when daddy got home, I think we passed it on to him too.  So the 3 of us were home all weekend feeling sick.  But Wyatt and I were feeling a lot better on Sunday.  Actually, Wyatt was acting like he was never sick on Saturday!  What a strong kid!  I'm just glad it's all done and over with now!  Please no more colds for a while!!!!

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