Monday, November 21, 2011

Finally some good luck

So a few months ago, I talked about how Greg lost his job and we were struggling to find a job for him. After a few months of no luck in getting a job, Greg called his dad to see if there might be a job opening where his dad works. So Greg started working four the casino his dad works at working as a maintenance person, a porter. Unfortunately, he had to stop because his back was causing him problems. Like really bad. He only worked there for 2 days until he went to the VA medical to get checked. So his manager told him to get a note from his Dr saying what he can and cannot do at his work. Unfortunately, his Dr didn't fill it out until he was going to be seen until his next Dr appointment.

The first day of being admitted to labor and delivery, Greg left for home to pick up some stuff for us since Wyatt's arrival was unexpected. Well on his way back, he saw a gun store just opening up, so he went in to see if they were hiring. The owner told him to bring in his resume. Of course Greg told him I was just admitted to the hospital. So a fe days after we got home, he drove out to that gun store again with his resume. And on his way back, he and Levi stopped in at Just Guns just cause and Greg found out that their AR guys left then to work for that other gun store that Greg just dropped off his resume at. So Greg told the guy that he's been trying to get a job at their place since they opened up. So, I think it was the owner he spoke with, asked him to bring in his resume. Greg came home with a smile on his face and was telling me that he might get a job with Just Guns.

So hours go by and Greg finally comes home and he has a big grin on his face and tells me he got a job a Just Guns as their AR specialist. so far they absolutely love him. Apparently his first day, he sold a $2,000 rifle. Just those 2 days he works there, the owner already told him he has free range in that area. Also, on saturday, they were begging him to work that day because they were having a customer appreciation day sale. Sp Greg said he'd work until 1330 or 1400 the latest. He also did sp well that day that the owner heard Greg's alarm go of and told him he needs to go before they beg him to stay.

finally after going from job to school to job to job to job... Well you get the idea, Greg finally found a job he's great at and something he really enjoys. Not only that, it's like as if he's back in the Corps. The owner or owner son is a Marine as well and I think there's a few others in there that are Marines as well. Greg is doing what he did in the Marine Corps. Just in the retail department. I'm proud of him. And I'm so glad that he finally found a job he loves going to and doing.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sleep deprived!

Well today is day 5 of being home with Wyatt. It's been quite the learning process! And a bundle of joy.

Greg and I have been having so much fun (with little sleep) with Wyatt. It's still unbelievable that we're now parents to this sweet and handsome lil man.

The first day home happened so fast! It was just full of excitement! We got to finally bring Wyatt home after 3 days of him being in NICU and we just relaxed. We had Greg's mom stop by and drop off some food for us and later that evening, Garland and Janey stopped by as well to drop off food for us too. Wyatt had a hard time sleeping that night. Probably because he was cold. That was our fault. We're so used to our temp, we didn't think to add another extra layer to him.

My milk started coming in finally. But I still couldn't get Wyatt ti latch. I was getting frustrated that I called up a lactation consultant to set up an appointment for help with breast feeding. I was able to get an appointment right after Wyatt's 2 day check up. Which, by the way, went great! any way, long story short, I ended up getting a nipple shield. Just wish the lady told us about buying the thing before opening it. oh well, money well spent. Unfortunately, until my milk supply can keep up with Wyatt I am also formula feeding to make sure he is getting enough.
Hopefully soon my milk supply will increase enough that he'll be exclusively breastfeeding.  Unfortunately because of breastfeeding and lack of supply in the fridge, I haven't had as much sleep as Greg. But he does help out by taking care of Wyatt during the day so that I can catch up on sleep.

Yeah, sleep seems like trying to find the lockness monster. Haha, apparently it gets worse.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

He's HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The day arrived 4 weeks early! Wyatt wanted to come out and meet the world. I was actually getting ready to go on maternity leave. I only had 3 days left. I was going to pack things away to be put to storage until we get a bigger place. I was going to get my sleep in, have lots and lots of rest. My baby shower was supposed to be this Saturday too! Tuesday morning came around. I went to pee like usual first thing in the morning. Peed but when I was done I kept trickling more water, which I thought it was just more pee and then jumped into the shower. When I got out and toweled myself, water leaked out like I peed a little. I thought it was weird so I rinsed myself off and proceeded to get ready for work. Then as I was looking for clothes to wear, I felt a sensation like I just peed in my underwear. I woke Greg up like usual and told him that I keep kind of wetting myself. So I called Labor and Delivery and told them I was trickling a little. The lady told me that discharge is normal for late third tri pregnancy. So I hung up and within minutes, my underwear was drenched. I showed Greg and then called labor and delivery again. So the lady told me to come in. We waited hours in triage. When a dr finally came in to check me, she said she was pretty sure my amniotic sac ruptured. I felt a gush of water come out as she stuck a probe down there. She was going to look under a microscope to confirm and she came back in minutes and said that it came back positive that my water did break. So, I got transfered to my labor room, by the way, the rooms are really really nice! Got hooked up to pretty much anything and everything! I had an IV put in, monitor of Wyatt's heart and my contractions, my heart monitor and blood pressure cuff. I was confined to that bed for majority of the day. Greg and I then started sending text messages and phone calls letting everyone know I was at the hospital and Wyatt was ready to come out. I was no where near being dilated at all. No thinning of the cervix.... nothing. So they explained to me that i'll have to take some kind of medication to start the dilating process. I didn't feel any contractions until they gave me 1/2 the pill that's helps my body produce such hormones. But they weren't bad at all. Hours later, I was given a whole pill and I started feeling a little more contractions, but very bearable. By 2230 I was given another whole pill and that night, I barely had any sleep. A fee hours of sleep but the contractions kept me awake or kept waking me up! By late morning I was 2.5cm dilated and 70% cervix thinned. I wanted to see if my body could go into active labor on its own without being induced. So they gave me about. An hour or two to see how mt contractions were going. Not much really changed so they started the inductions. For a few hours, everything was fine, I was able to handle the pain of the contractions, got my mind off them and then an hour or two before 1700, the pain was so bad I started crying. Honestly I was really glad Greg and Roni were there to help me through them. At first I kept repeating to myself that I can handle the pain and that I can get through it. But my contractions ended up being one on top of the other. Some of them I had to close my eyes and just scream, but I was reminded that I had to breath to give oxygen to Wyatt. Some of the contractions, Greg told me to focus on him and as tears are gushing through my eyes, Greg holds my hands and reminds me to stay focused and try not to think of the pain. Each hard contraction both Roni and Greg were reminding me to focus on something esle and reminding me to breath for Wyatt. It was hard and painful. But for some reason, since typing this, it's been kind of difficult to remmeber what happened during labor. Weird. It was hard on Greg to see me in so much pain, but he helped me through it. I've caught him tearing up as I'm crying in pain. I was so tired from lack of sleep and working through the contractions that I would litterally fall asleep instantly after a contractions. But obviously, it was only a minute or two of sleep each. when the contractions were really bad, I tried to remind myself that I can do it, that I can work through this pain. And there were times when I just screamed and said I can't handle it. When asked if I wanted to have an epidural, I kept saying I wasn't sure or that I'm going to keep trying. But it was unbearable that I did end up asking for an epidural. So the midwife came in and checked my cervix to see how far along I am and I was able to handle all the contractions up to 5cm dialated and I don't remember how thinned the cervix got. As soon as the anaesthetist arrived, he was explaining to me what the epidural is and what to expect and the risks. Right before the procedure started, I started second guessing myself. I guess I was afraid of the epidural. I've seen a video of an epidural so I guess it freaked me out. Or maybe I was afraid to fail? I sat on the bed, Greg and Roni sat right in front of me to help me cope through the contractions and epidural. The whole time I was looking at Greg. The anaesthetist then injected a local anesthetic where the epidural will take place and with the contraction and the pain of the injection, it felt like it hurt a lot that I screamed. Greg rubbed my leg and brought me back to him. I was crying the whole time the epidural insertion was taking place. The contractions were so painful it was so hard to not move. I didn't want to take my eyes off Greg because somehow it was soothing to me. I saw tears forming in his eyes. I knew it was hard for him to see me in pain. As soon as the epidural was done and the nurse finished whatever she needed to do to me, I was out like a light. I instantly fell asleep and I needed it. The lack of sleep and the fight through each contraction made me REALLY tired. I think I fell asleep for a good hour or two. Then on and off for the next few hours. My mom then arrived around 8pm and I was feeling a whole lot better by then. I felt contractions, I wasn't completely numb and I was actually glad about that. I did a lot of research with drug free/epidural free labors and the effects of epidural. One of the main reasons why I didn't want an epidural was because I didn't want to be bed ridden. I also didn't want to have a hard time during delivery because I heard some women can't even feel the contractions. But luckily I was able to feel a little bit of the contractions, like as if it were a braxton hicks contraction. By 2130, I started feeling pressure in my rectum and pelvis. Then slowly the pressure started coming around more often and were harder as well. It seriously felt like I was getting ready to take a massive dump! (yes, that's exactly what it felt like). So I told Roni that and she said that I'm getting ready to pop Wyatt out. When the nurse came in, I was telling her what I was feeling and so she told me to try not to push and to let my body "labor down" and that the midwife will be in to check me. The nurse checked how far along i was and I was already 8cm dialated and 80% thinned out. So she asked me to push and she felt Wyatt's head move down quite a bit. So she informed the midwife and it took a while for the nurse or midwife to come back. When the nurse did, I told her that I felt some strong pressure and that I have a hard time trying not to push to "labor down." So by 11:25 or so, I had a few people in my room. A few nurses for me and a few nurses for Wyatt. The contractions were so far apart that it took 50 minutes for Wyatt to finally be in my arms. For each contraction though, I was told to breath in deep, hold my breath and push like I'm going to take a massive dump. And I was told to do it 3 times during each contraction. Greg sat in front of me between my legs and he said that he saw the top of Wyatt's head start poking out. Greg checked the clock and it was just 10 minutes before midnight on 11/09/11. He motioned to me to look at the clock. I laughed and said that it looks like he'll have his Marine baby! Then, the last few contractions, Wyatt was crowning and when he was ready to be pulled out, Greg was right there, ready to catch Wyatt and hand him to me. On my last contraction, My eyes were closed and I heard the midwife say to Greg to get ready. I felt Wyatt come out and I opened my eyes, I see Greg holding Wyatt and then as he was handing Wyatt over to me, we both started crying. Wyatt has a lung on him! Greg and I exchanged kisses as I got to hold our son for the first time. It didn't take long for Wyatt to calm down. I enjoyed having him skin to skin on me for a good hour or two. One of the nurses took Wyatt and put him in the heat lamp machine thingy that keeps Wyatt warm and weighs and measures him. It was also where Wyatt got his first bath and his first diaper, cap and shirt. Greg was by his side the whole time. We thought Wyatt was going to be a good 8 pounder baby! But he came out 6lbs 9oz and 19" long. Oh and 15minutes after midnight on 11/10/11, The Marine Corps Birthday. He was a whole lot smaller than we expected. I was carrying a lot of water in my amniotic sac. So after everything settled down, We moved to the 3rd floor to the post partum for me and wyatt to be watched for a few days. This whole experience was amazing and so well worth every bit of pain and joy. Who'da thunk that something so little and someone you just met, one would instantly just fall in love. I love my little future Marine!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pets are family too

This AM, Greg got a call from a friend of ours asking if he would help him this morning. Our friend asked Greg that he would need help carrying Mandy into the car because they made the hard decision to put her down. Mandy hasn't been doing too well the past few months. She's been in pain on and off. Joints have been hurting her. But she's a trooper. She's one tough cookie, that's for sure. Even when she was in pain, she would always get up to say hi. She had such a huge heart. She always loved to say hi to everyone. Even though I HATED her tail because it felt like a baseball bat had hit me, I'm really going to miss it. I'm going to miss her butch personality. There was nothing feminin about Mandy except the fact that she knew how to love.

I heard so many stories about Mandy before I met her. I heard how she was hooked up to Greg's old heavy truck and how she saw a cat running down the street and started chasing the cat with the truck in tow. The picture above, apparently they heard Mandy in the kitchen and as she walked into the living room, she had the trash can lid around her neck with the "I wasn't doing anything wrong" look. I heard she was following Greg and his buddy Joey as they were bleaching the deck and she was licking the bleach off the deck. And apparently she loved bleach. Greg told me he got Mandy addicted to water because he pushed her in his friend's pool as she was walking around it, scared of it. She was burley. She beat up a raccoon! When I met her, she was nothing but a total sweetheart! She acted like she was still a puppy. I don't think she knew time, nor did she knew she was getting old. When we introduced her to Mr. T, she was trying so hard to keep up with his energy. But apparently she slept well every night we brought him over. We all called her hydrolics because when she would get excited, she looked like she had hydrolics on her front legs. She would jump on her hind legs to say hi. Mander Banders is what we would call her. She was a total sweetheart with a big heart. You'll be missed Mandy.

Yesterday morning Mandy fell (don't know how, legs may have gave out on her) and since then she was not able to get up. Greg said he could hear her whining in the background when our friend called him this morning. Greg dropped me off work that morning and he headed over to our friend's house right after. Greg was telling me they tried a few times to see if they can help Mandy up. They tried to coax her, they tried to pick her up with bands on her front and back legs, but it was with no luck. They found a vet to come by and the vet gave Mandy a pain killer shot. She was in so much pain, that when the vet left to grab soemthing out of his mobile truck for a few minutes, he was surprised that she was still in pain. Soon her breathing started to slow. By 11:56 I got a text from Greg saying that Mandy was in a better place. I didn't think it would hit me so hard, but it did. I left work early, I wanted to see my bubs. I'm gonna miss her greeting me at the door. The baseball bat tail, the burley butch breathing of her, her constant licking of air until she reaches you to say "Hi, I LOVE YOU!" She was a good dog and a constantly happy dog.

You'll be missed Mander Banders!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Time to count kicks.

On Wendsday, I had my 29th week prenatal visit and Greg got to go for the first time. My OB is quite happy with my progress. Everything is going great, everyone is healthy. But unfortunately since I stopped crossfitting, I gained 6 lbs since my last visit!!!! *cries* So my OB said to try not to gain any weight for the next visit which I will try my very best to do so. Gotta get some kind of exercise going. Probably going to do some boring walking with Greg and bubbas. My blood pressure is in the normal range, which I'm happy about too since I was having a hard time keeping my blood pressure down.

This time, my uterus was measured and she said I'm in the normal range, but in the higher range. So once again, gonna have to get my exercise system back. I'm really having some bad crossfit deprived feeling... How I miss it so much! Now, I have to start counting kicks. I have to time how long it takes for Wyatt to kick 10 times. She said that it can be kicks, pokes and turns. And boy do I feel all!

When I first read up on what movements will feel like, I was confused! Books and online were saying that women start feeling movement around 16 weeks. Now here's the crazy part! They state in books and online that the movements feel like popcorn popping, butterfly flying, fish swimming. And I thought, how does one know exactly what a popcorn popping, butterfly flying, fish swimming feel like?! And how would that be possible to feel those kinds in your tummy? Why can't they just make it simple and more true to an actual feeling. Something that people actually feel. To me, the first movements felt like a muscle twitch, muscle spazm. Can others relate to that kind of feeling? I would think so. I mean seriously, popcorn popping, fish swimming? Another that they mentioned was gas bubbles... Ok, that most definitely made sense. But that didn't feel like that to me.

So, when she was getting Wyatt's hearbeat, she felt him move a few times and laughed saying that it would take no time for me to count 10 kicks. So that night, I went on my android app market to see if there might be an app for kick counts and yay! There are a couple of them on there. I knew having a smart phone would be very handy! Because knowing me, I would totally forget to do the kick count thing because I don't wear a watch and i get easily distracted. And right now he is kicking :-) always makes me smile.

Hospital Tour!

Last night Greg and I had our hospital tour and late pregnancy class. We got to learn what we'll be expecting the next few months leading up to labor and what signs to look out for if I do go into labor. She gave us information for very informative classes to take like 'Baby make Three' which she emphasis how important it is because of the big change to come along and how to cope in the relationship, communication between each other and such. There were a few other classes she explained. I still have to take my preparing for birth class and how to care for a newborn. OH! And breastfeeding class.

As far as the birth class, I'm really leaning towards a more natural birth. If women have done it for years, why can't I? At first, the thought of labor to me was just all pain. And well, I'm a whimp when it comes to pain. I have a very low tolerance of pain. But, thinking about giving birth naturally seems more right to me. I want to have meds as a last resort. If the pain is just too unbearable kind of last resort.

When we toured the hospital, she was explaining what goes on, all the way up to discharge. It's a pretty secure place too! Everyone has to sign in at the security desk. They get their picture taken and their name and picture are printed on a sticky thingy that they'll have to wear in order to see me. So family and friends who will be there for the birth of Wyatt, keep that in mind, you'll need your ID!!!!!!!!!!!!! So begining of labor, we start off at the first check. It's a small room that will monitor contractions, baby's heart beat and mom of course. If I were in labor, I would not be in that room for long. Basically it's to determin if it's a false labor or a true labor. Then, if I were actually in labor, I would be given my own room with papa's in tow (and anyone else to comfort me). The room is HUGE! They even have a couch to pull out as a bed for papa's to lay in. I think we had about 20 something people in the class last night and we were all able to comfortably fit in that room. There was a TV with a DVD player, a nice bathroom with a shower (and chair) in it. A rocking chair and this really cool high tech thingy for when Wyatt is born to be weight, measured, monitored and temp regulated. It was so neat. By the way, there's no nursery! Wyatt will be with me the whole entire time! Then, few hours after birth, I will be transfered to the next floor up for recovery for the next day or two. Once again, another big room, but without all the medical electronics. I am quite happy with all that we will be expecting. OH! and we get a free diaper bag from Kaiser. I'm really liking Kaiser more and more as I'm goign through this pregnancy!

Now, the tour was not the most interesting part. The most interesting part of last night (crossing fingers that dear mother in law does not see this until after Greg tells her), the lady who gave us the tour, she was there for Bill's birth! She was either Roni's mid wife or birth coach or something... I don't remember. her and Greg were exchanging stories, but she was more so telling him what she remembers, which was crazy enough right on the dot. Like greg and his "juice". He thought the wine Roni was drinking was juice, so he had to get his stomach pumped, and she said that to this day, she still tells that story. How crazy is it that this world is so small????!!! How we found out was, after the class and on our way to the labor and delivery building, she was saying "I knew Boling's once" so Greg said "Donna" (his grandmother)? she shook her head no and as soon as Greg said "Roni" you should have seen the look on her face. The look of "" kind of look. We were all in shock. She said "I think i was at your birth" and so Greg asked if she worked at Sutter San Juan, she said no. So I say, maybe Bill's birth?. So Greg said that Bill had his birth at home, and she was excited and said YES! and asked if Scott was his dad. She was there for Bills birth, along with her husband and her 4 year old daughter. We still can't get over all this. We were in shock. She said that she has Greg's cookie jar (I really don't know much about that).

At the end of the tour, we asked her if she would be there for the birth of Wyatt as our labor coach. She said she would love to, but with her schedule of tours, she can't gurantee it. We totally understand. It would be pretty cool if she was there. She'll be present for another Boling birth. Crazy small world I tell ya! So now, we have her number and I'm hoping to take a private birth class from her. I'm thinking more Bradley than Lamaze with a side of hypno birthing.

I'm really excited about it all. Just the thought of finally meeting Wyatt gets me all teary eyes (which by the way, i've been more emotional lately, I'm hating it!). The thought of seeing the look on Greg's face when he gets to finally hold him in his arms. *cries* tears are forming, I'll stop!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I remember what i did that day. I don't remember what I did the day before or even the day after.  Exactly one month and 1 day before the twin towers were hit, I was up there trying to concur my fear of heights and to view the city I love to visit.

That June I just graduated high school and as a graduation/birthday gift, I was given a plane ticket to New York that summer.  I was up there in August, and I will always remember it.  The view is just breath taking. The place was amazing for tourists and locals.  I LOVED being up there.

  One month and one day later, my best friend and I decided to skip our first class and hang out. We were in his old 80's box Volvo when we heard the news. Of I were to say we were shocked, that would be an understatement. Along with every American out there watching the same thing. Both him and I worked at the same coffee shop. We both worked at Choc-o-Bean. I remember we went there that morning and he luckily had a portable TV with him. I remember him saying he wasn't quite sure if it'll work, but he plugged it in, messed with the bunny ears and soon, we got the news.  It was on every channel station, you could not have missed it.

So we sat in the back together and were shocked to watch it all happen.  I remember the news kept playing the video clip of the plane hitting the first twin tower over and over again.  We were there for a few hours with little conversation between us except the "oh my god" phrases being thrown back and forth.  Then I remember watching the pentagon get hit.  It was horrifying.  I was also praying my aunt was safe since she worked out there. And luckily, she was away for business in Baltimore.

Everything and anything else after that was a blur. But that moment, I remember it so clearly.  Tomorrow i'll be attending the Capitol Airshow. Tomorrow will be the 10th anniversary of 9-11 and also the 70th anniversary of pear harbor. They were saying that it's going to be special to commemorate those days and to honor those who have died those days and the military men and women who caught and are fighting to keep us safe.

I wish I was in the military so that I too can fight alongside the brave

Friday, September 9, 2011

Trying other things

So unfortunately the VA wont be able to pay for the security school. Something about not receiving any funds... hmm, shocker there.... stupid State. So Greg has been trying to get a hold of someone at Calves. They might be able to help along with possibly EDD as well.  I told him he has until next Wednesday to figure something out with the whole security thing or move on to the next best thing, which would be trucking.

The great thing about where greg wants to work is that both options are so high in demand. You constantly see jobs available in security and trucking. The best part is he can work in armored car with his class A license. Two birds/one stone kinda deal.

This weekends looks to be very exciting. I'm probably going to bed early tonight for a couple reasons. I didn't sleep all that well last night and I have to be at the capitol air show tomorrow by 0545! Yep, that's right, 0545! A friend of mine told ne that, that time will be sleeping in for me! Haha. Well, the reason I have to be there so early is because I volunteered for the air show this year and they put me in the check-in pile. So I'll be checking volunteers in. The great thing about being there early is I get front row parking AND I get to enjoy the show. Saturday I'm probably going to leave shortly after we're all done checking volunteers in and Sunday I'm most definitely staying for the show. It's supposed to be big this year.

This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the 70th anniversary of pearl harbor too. So they have big plans. They didn't say what they are as they are a surprise, but I'm excited none the less.

I can't wait for Wyatt to be big enough to truly enjoy all this stuff. Im in my third tri now. Wyatt is to arrive in 3 months, isn't that crazy?!?! Funny how time flies. I can't wait to meet him, but I'm also afraid I'm not ready for him just yet! He's working his way head down lately as I have been feeling a lot of pressure on and off down in my pelvic and it's really uncomfortable! But I love feeling his kicks (well, for the most part).

Wow... I'm gonna be pretty busy and tired the next few months!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Brighter days are upon us

That's what I'm hoping for!  I had a great weekend! But it felt way too short for a 3 day weekend! I really don't remember what we did on Saturday or Sunday except take bubbas out to the river.  On Monday we had a lot of fun. We got to spend time with dad early in the day. Before that we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa for a bit while Greg and dad ran an errand.  That afternoon we headed to Old Sac. A friend of ours invited us to join them for the Gold Rush days event. The museums were free, so Greg and I got to check out the Train museum first.  It was pretty cool. The lower level was the different types of trains they had. What they were used for and history behind them.  On the 3rd floor was all the toy trains. Greg was saying how he wants to build one for him and Wyatt.  We walked outside and got to see them shoot a cannon.  It was pretty loud! Of course. And everywhere you look, people were dressed up in the olden days.  The concrete road was covered in dirt.  They had shows at certain areas to show you what it was like back then. They had gun fights break out and a brothel (of course they used Evangeline's) "set on fire". That's always fun to go to.  We went last year and it was a blast too.  We also got to check out the military museum, free admission as well.  Greg explained to our buddy's gf's kid about the military, the types of weapons that were in display, uniforms, etc. He was very interested in it all to say the least! Our last stop before dinner was Evangeline's. We went upstairs to check out the costume mansion, play with a few things, haha! I had a lot of fun that day. And boy was I beat!!!! As soon as we got home, I was ready for bed.

Things are looking up, I hope. Greg found out today that he may be able to go through security school and get his guard card and permits for free through the VA. We shall find out soon!

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's a shame...

To lose a good friend because they chose their immature relationship over close friends and their own family.  I would never in my whole entire life let anyone control me on what I can and cannot do, who I can and cannot see.  Let alone have them pull me away from my own family.  Especially family who are in need.  I've gone through 2 deaths of close family and one of close friends. I've dealt with 2 families of a cancer survivor and dealing with it at this moment. I've dealt with one who passed away from cancer.  The bottom line? I dealt with it the right way instead of running away. And to hear an excuse like "well I don't like being around death" is by far the most selfish, low life type of excuse I have ever heard.  What do you think they are around 24/7??? Roses?!?!   What makes you think cancer is "death"!?  Why are you better? Because you don't have it?  It kind of hurts me that this friend turned down his family because of some selfish excuse.  turn down your friends, that's fine, but family???  I see it as a scared cat running away.  It's too close to home and honestly, it pisses me off!  He's only 1 hour away from his Uncle. Guess what?! Im 8 hours away from my GODMOTHER! If I still lived in so cal, I would see her often. Instead, I call and send emails and I have sent letters through snail mail.

I don't know if its his choice or if its her controlling him.  But either way, he allows it and she should have the sense to help him realize what a selfish act he is doing.  I've been in a relationship where my S/O, at the time, was dealing with his dad that got diagnosed with acute leukemia. A very rare form and it progressed so fast he passed away in less than a year.  It was not easy to deal with but I had the sense to let him be with his family.

You don't know when one will be gone. The only way to deal with it is to give support and hope for the best. Not stay away. I truly hope this "friend" soon realizes how important family is especially when they themselves have given him love and support as well.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fighting gloves are on!

So with the streak of bad luck, the truck incident, I went into the emergency room a few Fridays ago, Greg got a speeding ticket (he had a rental and didn't realize how fast he was going), and Greg loosing his job, we just have to keep moving forward.

So Greg is going to take the rest of the week off and hitting the streets next week to find jobs. I'll be helping him by looking online for openings in probably the towing company business. It sucks, but it's life. We just have to fight through it and come out on top again.

On a better note, our new TV arrived yesterday. We got it before Greg got suspended and then fired, so don't think we just bought it.Unfortunately i'll be paying twice as much as the actual price, but with my Jeep payments coming to an end, no TV (as our old one just completely took a crap on us), and us really needing to rebuild our credit, I thought it might be a good idea.When the Jeep is finally paid off, we'll be putting that extra money to savings and to other bills to pay off sooner. Oh! And the funny thing about the TV, Mr T is terrified of it! Big bad TV is out to get bubbas I guess.

It really is nice to have Greg home. It's been a little over a year of seeing each other only a couple days out of each month. I know he'll find something soon. Wyatt is arriving soon. Just a few more months and we literally have nothing for him :-( but I know that is in the back of Greg's mind too. We already started getting the apartment ready just in case we end up not moving yet. We got a bigger storage so that we can put things we want to keep for a bigger place in storage until we get into a bigger place. We also have the apartment mapped out for rearrangement. But we might move to a downstairs apartment. The landlords live in one of the downstairs one and will be moving to the other side where the apartment managers usually live. They've lived here since the beginning of this year and recently were hired as apartment managers. Pretty good people. So that's how we might end up downstairs. Which is perfect for us. Gonna be hard dealing with potty and walks with bubbas and carrying Wyatt around if we're on the 2nd floor. It'll make it a whole lot easier if we live on the 1st. Least we're getting rid of stuff and putting stuff away. Im excited!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When it rains it pours...

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life has been very hectic. And boy is that an understatement. It's slowly getting back in order... but only slowly... everything happens for a reason, right?

Well, lets skip back a few weeks.  Greg and Kevin were on their way to Utah to upgrade Kevin from Trainee to contract employee under Greg. Everything was fine and dandy.  They got a pretty nice load, but as they were leaving a wal-mart parking lot, Greg's tire blew. Nothing too major, right? Very true, but it does take a while for a tow truck to come out and replace the tire.  So that load got switched. Then, as they were finally on the road, Greg unfortunately got ran off the road.  What he told me was, he was driving up a hill, his load was light and he was behind another truck which was moving slower than him. It was a 2 lane highway and he changed lanes to pass the truck. He saw a small truck (like a Toyota Tacoma) way back behind him. Enough room for him to safely change lanes. Well as Greg was trying to pass the other big rig, the small truck tried to pass Greg in the shoulder. That shoulder was wide enough for a small car. And when Greg saw the truck, which looked like the truck MIGHT get swooped under his trailer, he switched to the slow lane so that he doesn't accidentally kill the idiot driver in the small truck. But, when he switched lanes, the big rig was coming up too fast and he didn't have time to slow his truck down safely so he drove off the road. Luckily Greg and Kevin are OK with just some minor bruises. The truck is totaled though. Axel was bent, the hood flew off, other stuff too. So. They were stuck in Utah for a while until they got to their yard.  That's when Greg was told he was suspended without pay until the police report comes in.

So Greg has been home for the past week and a half.  Waiting for the company to review the accident.  His driver manager and fleet manager all knew it wasn't his fault. He had no other choice (or well, kill the guy and possibly destroy the trailer and truck too).  The police report even showed it was not his fault.  So him being home has been really nice. And we had a feeling the company was going to also find him not at fail and as a non-preventable accident.  So just a little over a week passes and Greg gets a call from Vicki, his awesome driver manager.  This was Monday, the 29th. And she tells him that the company found it to a preventable accident and that he was fired. Vicki was furious of the company's findings along with his fleet manager too.

I kept my cool all day long. When greg picked me up from work, we started talking about it.  And then I started crying.  I tried not to, but it just came out.  He came with me to crossfit, and it was seriously nice to just get away for a little bit and be around great friends. Greg got to see what I do in my Gym and got to talk to some really cool people too.  Unfortunately, that was my last day there until we're financially stable again.  I'll try to keep doing crossfit at home, but it's just not the same.  Greg and Kevin left Tuesday morning to get their stuff out of the truck.  They'll be home today.  It's just been an hectic and I've tried my hardest to keep my stress levels low.  It's hard, but it can be done.

So now, Greg will be hitting the streets and looking for work at home.  Everything happens for a reason, right?  Greg finds it a blessing on disguise. If him and Kevin didn't get into a wreck, they may have been stuck on the east coast during the hurricane. They do a lot of loads on the east.  And both Greg and I didn't want him on the road when Wyatt's born.  So maybe that's another reason? 

So if anyone knows whose hiring, let me know!  He's got his class a, military background, automotive background, he's pretty much a jack of all trades!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Boredom at work ...

Man, days like this makes me miss my old department with my old co workers!  Work is unbearably boring today!  I remember the days when I used to play with my toys and co workers would join in... even the higher ups would join in too!  Yes, I DO have toys at my desk.  Though there we're many days of piled paper work, we would still find time to have fun AND finish our work on time.  I think I had the most toys at my desk.  They were amusing and fun to play with..most were just collecting dust, but I loved looking at them.  Like my Doc Hudson from the movie cars. Still in its package and there was one higher up that was eye balling it because he has a hard time finding that toy for his son. The only toy left for his son to have a complete set!  Oh yes, we were quite the group
Honest the only boring days were when a ton of people were not in. Usually those were the 3 or 4 day weekends and almost everyone took an extra vacation day to extend their weekend.

But, here I am, sitting in my cubical, really not wanting to lift a finger or move (btw, there's really no work to be done except box things up since we're moving 1 floor up). With my headache, yeah, I really don't want to move.  This day will take forever to end!  Wyatt seems to be having a blast though as he's been very active.  Kicking me left and right. At least he's not kicking my bladder today!  *sigh*  hurry up day!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's a.....


Yesterday we had our baby reveal party. It was a lot of fun. We ended up not having a lot of people as some were not able to make it last minute. But Greg's family was all there to be the first to find out what baby boling is.  We had the party at Mark and Monica's in their private party room. I didn't even know they had a party room! Of course, we started off with eating some pizza and beers (soda and water for me of course). Then I asked everyone to pull a ribbon or two out until the names Wyatt and Danielle came up. Unfortunately, I think my aunt put the names on one of the ribbons.  So we improvise and the two that had the old wives tales were the two in the running for a $15 gift certificate to starbucks.  Then, we had goody bags for everyone.  Whoever had the rubber duckie with a pink and blue ribbon was the one who got to open the envelope to reveal the baby's gender. Macy was the one who got to open it! (Greg's little niece). I was telling her to rip it open! I was impatient on finding out. So she opens it and her dad was looking at the ultrasound pic to figure it out. Took him a while to figure it out And he said... "IT'S A BOY!" Greg was jumping for joy, I was all smiles! We took a look at the ultrasound pic and greg said "yup, he's packing just like his papas!" Do all me. Say that when they find out its a boy???? Haha! I just laughed and rolled my eyes.  We couldn't be any happier. Of course we really didn't care if it was a boy or girl, just happy we were having a healthy baby so far.  Mama is trying he best!  I have some pictures and the ultrasound will soon follow along with the rest of the pics. We got some presents for ourselves and Wyatt got some.of his first presents as well. Our favorite is Wyatt's first blanket. We LOVE it. It was from his great aunt tank and uncle kelly. Engraved on the blanket was "Baby Boling. It's just so cute, thoughtful and adorable!!!

So after all that, we just sat around and started chit chatting for a little bit until we left.  That evening a couple of friends of ours followed us to the Sacramento raceway for the annual fox hunt.  Got to watch some fun drag racing along with watching 2 motor homes being burned down with a jet racing car.  It was awesome.  I felt Wyatt kick a little bit, but not much.  Actually, he was pretty quiet the past few days and then today I have been really feeling him a lot. At one point it almost felt like he was "walking" 2 steps on my lower abs and it felt pretty hard too!  I know for sure Wyatt got Greg's legs... his kicks can be so u.comfortable!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kick kick kick!!!!!

This morning as I was just laying in bed, contemplating on sleeping more or getting up I was resting my arm gently on my stomach.  Well, a fee minutes in, I felt the baby kick!! It was like a really really really soft poke. I've been trying to feel the baby again, but have been unsuccessful! I told Greg tonight and he sounded so excited about it! So now I know that it'll be just a few more weeks before I actually feel the kicks even stronger. Baby boling has been very active all day today. I kind of like it :-) I just wish I can feel it from the skin too but I keep missing it.

Well, 1 more week and we find out the gender!!! I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh no!

So the past few days when little one is kicking up a storm (the few seconds that I can feel it), little one is kicking me pretty hard. It seriously throws me off completely. Most times it catches me off guard that I sometimes lose balance (shuddup, don't laugh!). Last night I was hanging with some friends of mine and they were talking about Greg and his strength. So today as little one was being active and kicking mommy, it dawned on me... little one might take after Greg and his tree trunk, super strength, all muscle legs... I sent him a text earlier saying " I hate you.... I hate you soooo much! I think lil one is a lil you with your frikin tree trunk legs! It's quite uncomfortable to be kicked so hard on my empty bladder!" Even though the experience is quite the memorable experience, sometimes it's annoying!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


<p>Wait, what?!?!? 2 Blogs in one day?!?!</p>
<p>Well! I am quite excited about our Party! For those who have RSVP'd, i'll be sending an email out to everyone this week. The place has been booked, it has been decided to be indoors. And we found a place that's perfect!</p>
<p>The cake is all set, I have an Aunt doing the cake for me. And no one can contact her to find out the gender. Neener neener neeeeeener!

I also already have a theme in mind too. And for those wondering, yes lil children are allowed to attend. There will be some games and prizes. Of course food food food!!

Everything is falling into place!

If Heaven wasn't so far away

So there's this song that I absolutely love! It's called "If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away" by Justin Moore. And at times it makes me cry. I don't know why, but I've been thinking about my grandparents a lot lately. They were a big part of my life and they have passed on years ago. My Lolo (grandfather) passed away when I was 12 or 13. He was the one who taught me how to play the piano. I remember being a little girl, sitting next to that baby grand piano and my Lolo playing it. Both my Lolo and Lola (grandmother) were such great pianists! They both had the eye and ear to play. They both knew how to read and make their own. I grew up with classical music and black and white film featuring Shirley Temple (a lot). I remember watching a lot of Jerry Lewis (still one of my favorite actors) with James Dean. I remember watching The Wizard of OZ in black and white. Before I go completely off track, My grandfather used to play New York, New York a lot with me. Every time I hear that song, I think of him. I remember he would pick me and my sister up from ballet class and sometimes take us to baskin robins or even Ralph's! I remember being close to him. I wish he was still here.

My Lola passed away when I was 21 years old. Not only was she great with the piano, she was an amazing seamstress, designer. She used to work for General hospital as their seamstress. I remember seeing all her "badges" to Emmy awards hanging from the window sil where she put her sewing machine. She had an album of dresses she made for the actors and actresses for General Hospital (even for Demi Moore and Elizabeth Taylor). Her album even included a telegram of her being nominated for best seamstress. Even it being her job, she made a lot of clothes for me and my sisters. I dont' know why, but she always dressed me and my older sister like twins. For a lot of family gatherings, we wore matching outfits. The last dress she made me was my prom dress which I still have. I plan on using that when Greg and I have our wedding (which has been pushed back to 10 year anniversary). When I think of my grandparents, I think of how much fun they would have with Baby Boling whether it's a boy or girl. They loved us all. I just wish they were still here.

If heaven wasn't so far away, I'd ask my Lola to teach me how to sew. I would love to learn her tricks and I would love to learn how to sew just like her. She really knew how to fit your clothes like a glove! If heaven wasn't so far away, I'd ask my Lolo to play just one more song with me and show him how my vocals have improved since I was a kid.

I miss them. And sometimes it's hard to let go.

Friday, July 15, 2011


So yesterday I had my anatomy ultrasound. Greg was able to make it home to see the ultrasound (US)! Our US tech was awesome and fun to talk to. We told her if she can put the gender of the baby on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope for us.  She was happy to do so for us!  The whole experience was amazing. We had so much fun talking about the military, the baby. Asking questing on what part of the baby she had on th screen.  As you can tell on the pic, the baby was smiling for the camera. The baby was very active yesterday but baby didn't want to flip over!  It's amazing how baby boling started off as something so little and now the size of a heirloom tomato.  What's funny is Greg kept commenting on how the baby is already a Marine. Practicing his MCMAP since the baby kept kicking and moving around.

When we first started, the US tech asked us if our baby had a nickname yet. Greg started saying Jar Head, Marine, Leather Neck, etc. Like I said, he swears the baby is already a Marine. The whole experience was so great! I might have to go in a second time because she said she couldn't get a clear sound of the heartbeat and she couldn't get a clear view of the umbilical cord. And baby wouldn't flip over. Greg was laughing at the fact that the baby seemed to keep kicking the US tech away. At the end of it, she gave us a bunch of pictures! She sealed away the picture of the gender and wrote the gender down. I can't wait! It is now pinned on my cork board until we send it to a baker of our choice. Just a few more weeks away!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Yay, Heartbeat!!!!

So on July 1, I bought Baby Sounds B Fetal Doppler. For those who don't know what a doppler is, it's an ultrasound that the DR or NP uses to find the heartbeat of the baby. No image, just get to hear the heartbeat. Well, I got it on July 6 and have been trying since then to find the baby's heartbeat. So finally last night as I was playing with it (like i have been almost every night), I finally found the heartbeat! It was the coolest thing ever! Of course I've heard my baby's heartbeat at the Dr's office. But now, I get to hear it every night! I did video tape it:

Sorry it's so quiet. I was having a hard time getting a loud and clear sound of the heartbeat. But ti seemed like everytime I tried to move the doppler just a little, I would lose the heartbeat. And of course as soon as I put my phone away I finally found the heartbeat. What was cool that time was I actually followed the baby move from my right side of my tummy to my left. Must have done a sumersault. haha!

Greg is supposed to be home Wednsday night, but he's not quite sure. I really hope that he does! Our Ultrasound is this Thursday. And I really want him to be a part of it. If he can't make it home in time, I'll just videotape it so that he can watch it. His driver Manager is awesome though. She always tries her best to get him home on time. But I know that things happen and doesn't go the way we want.

Update on the party, it looks like we may have it at the William B. Ponds. Right next to the river. I'm going to have to double check on alcohol rule. But even without alcohol, I know it's going to be so exciting!!! I'll be sending out invites on July 21 when I get all the RSVP in to determine where exactly it will be.

Well, i'm off to bed now. I'm really tired! Goodnight all!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Definition of trust:
Have faith or confidence, allow without fear, believe: be confident about something,faith: complete confidence in a person or plan etc, confidence: a trustful relationship

Once upon a time tonight, I was very tired and was ready to sleep. And now... I've got something bugging me and need to get it off my chest. As I've stated before. I am a trucker's wife. It's a hard job, but really and truly its easy to deal with. One main and big factor of this relationship working is TRUST! I can't even explain how huge of a deal this is! A buddy of ours just got on the truck with Greg to team drive with him. Well apparently his GF called me up crying hysterically saying that someone called her from HIS phone saying that he's been cheating on her with other girls while he's on the truck. You're probably wondering "well that's pretty easy to believe" but you don't know our buddy AND Greg! FYI, there's programs on line and on the smart phones where you can "mask" (change) your actual phone number. I proved it to her as soon as I found a website that did such a thing. A while later our buddy got the exact same call, but it was a guy saying that she's cheating on him. Greg answered though and gave the idiot some trivial questions that the idiot couldn't even answer. So after telling her to calm down and constantly telling her that she needs to trust him and not that girl that called her, I called Greg to get things straightened out. I have trust and faith in Greg. I know my husband VERY well! he would NEVER let a thing like that EVER happen near him, let along in his truck. So I told him "hey, she's crying hysterically, can you let him kno. It sounds like someone masked their number." I'm not going to accuse Greg of cheating. He's never given me any reason for me to assume such a thing. I'm highly aware that it happens, but I'm also highly aware that Greg would never cheat on me. Oh and same with our friend, he has never given her any reason for her to assume he's cheating on her. Unfortunately, as you can see, their relationship is leaking into our relationship. It's not messing our marriage, but it's most definitely pissing us off and stressing us out. Because of her, Greg was basically told that he was a liar and have no morals. Really?!?! Do you really think that I would be married to someone who is a liar and a cheater?!?! Thanks for saying "F-You" to me too! Greg was livid, and still is! I am too!, obviously because I can't sleep!

She needs to grow up and stop listening to her friends and family that DO NOT know who we are and who DO NOT know who our buddy is. We have morals and we're all not dumb enough to frikin' cheat on our significant other! Greg and I have a GREAT marriage. Do you really think that he would jeopardize what we have? In other words, do you really think he would allow his buddy to cheat on his GF?!?!? When Greg's home, he wants to be with me! He hates leaving me home when I am too tired to go anywhere. He hates men and women who cheat. We call them pussies, morons, idiots, no back bone, no frikin' balls, weakling, etc. I HATE drama... I hate it with a blooody passion! But unfortunately, unless she starts changing and starts realizing that she has a really great and trusting guy, we're stuck with stupid ass f*ing drama almost on a daily basis! Grow up! You let that skank win because you couldn't trust your own BF who has given you no reason to assume that he would EVER cheat on you. You would have won if you laughed and left the skank some clever remark like "oh, we must be having a threesome at the moment then." and hang up!

You know what my dad and mom would say to me when I was told something OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again and each time I would not listen or believe them??!?!?! "ma Tigas ng ulo mo!" Translate that yourself, that's how she is!

Monday, July 4, 2011

happy 4th everyone!

Happy 4th everyone!

Right now I'm chiling at the laundry mat doing some laundry. Probably gonna laundry my sheets next weekend. Its way too hot t even be out today! Ok. Now I'm chilling in denny's. It got too warm in the laundry mat. Yesterday I ad a blast! Like a pre-4th bbq at a friends house. It was a lot of fun. Got to meet a couple of other people. Her friends. And it was an all around fun time.

Greg called me today to tell me his truck broke down randomly. Poor greg. So now him an kevin are stuck in Nebraska till tomorrow or someting. Gonna have to take it to peterbuilt. Well, get it towed to peterbuilt in colorado. Its hot as hell out there too apparently. So I gave him the ok to book a room for the night at one of the hotels nea by.

Pease excuse the typo. Using a key bard I'm not use to for an a-pad (like an ipad but anroid software)

Today, I'm just chilling. Nothing too exciting. Alreay saw fireworks yesterday night from my apartment. Its too hot for me anyways. The concrete ws too hot for bubbasb today. he kept ifting his paws. But I might fill up some water balloons for him. He enjoys that a lot!1

My lunner should be coming soon. So I hope everyobne has a fun and safe 4th! Thank our troops and pray for the family of those who die for our freedom. Stay hydrate everyone!

*please excuse the typo. Not used to this keyboard. Usung my apad (like an ipad but android software)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Jealousy? No, don't think I have it...

OK, maybe a little. So tonight Greg called to tell me he's having dinner at Hooters. I was actually kind of jealous that he was there! Why??? Because I haven't had hooters wings in like FOREVER!!!! But, he promised me he wouldn't order wings :-) what a sweetie!!!

What, did you all really think I would get Jealous of the girls at Hooters??? Please, I used to go there a few times a month with a few friends of mine. Not only that but I know he talks about me. He tells me his night or day and it's really cute! He was telling me he was flirting with the waitress, but initially told her that it's just friendly flirt as he's married. haha, I really do love that man! And no, I didn't even get jealous at that either! Probably because I know what kind of flirting he was doing. He does it all the time when we're out and it cracks me up. Plus it kind of gives us an idea of how much the waiter/waitress deserves a tip. So, why would I be jealous? I have no reason to. Because the end of it all, he comes back to me. Not to boast or anything, but I think we have a pretty strong marriage. OH! And he bought me a shot glass from hooters!!!! Damn, now I'm craving hooters wings......... Maybe tomorrow? or when greg is home. Just a few more weeks and I get to see the hubby and have the Ultrasound!!! yay!!!!!

So, I had an interesting afternoon... I took Mr. T out for him to potty and to play with him for a little bit and took out the water balloons. Well, I filled about 20 water balloons but was only able to stock up 7 of them. Mr. T kept going after them and popping them shortly after I tied them up. And one of the balloons as I was tying, he decided to jump up and pop it. So I ended up getting splashed in the face... Thanks bubbas... thanks...

I'm trying to think of what else to put here, but I just can't think of any... So until next time... Goodnight!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Well, it's 2030 right now (for those who don't know what I'm talking about, it's 8:30PM, get used to it, I'm using military time). And I'm tired! Very very sleepy!!! I'm so excited that tomorrow is Friday and then a 3 day weekend!!! Woohoo!!!! I can't wait!!! For some reason, it's a much needed rest and my kitchen is a must needed cleaning too!

Earlier this week, I finally went back to the gym. Strange though, exercising started my round ligament pains. Isn't that lovely?!?! I don't feel anything if I'm sitting down or laying down. But as soon as I get up to move about, my left pelvic starts to hurt... Pretty much like a sore muscle. Oh and I did take it easy at the gym. Light weight, maxed out at 28lbs. Heart rate at a decent pace, as in, I can still talk while exercising. Hopefully it goes away soon!

In just a couple more weeks, I get to SEE my baby!!! It's quite exciting! But I have this feeling like I shouldn't be pregnant. Or that it's just so unbelievable that I'm pregnant. Or even that it feels like I'm too young to be pregnant. I mean, come on! I know I'm 28 years old, that's for sure not young at all and not only that married for 4 years? Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet...

But here's my confession... Since finding out I was pregnant, there's been so many times that I've thought in my head "Man, I regret getting pregnant." How on earth can someone say that? How on earth can I say that? But I do! And I feel so guilty every time. I don't think of it often, but it's an on and off feeling. If you're wondering, why do I feel guilty? Well a few reasons. 1) being selfish and 2) a life is growing inside of me. Now, don't get ahead of yourself, since I found out I'm pregnant, I've done anything and everything I can to my own will power to be as healthy and fit as possible for me and the baby. I want the best for the both of us.

I'm not too sure if anyone would understand what I mean about being selfish. But let's go back about a year ago. A year ago, I was working on losing weight and gaining strength, stamina, and mentally preparing myself for the Marine Corps. I was working on trying to become a Marine! I had Greg and all my family supporting me. I know a lot of Marines who were supportive as well. And one who I wanted to be because she is one hell of a Marine. I wanted to be like her. Honestly, other than Greg, she was my Idol. I was honestly striving to be as strong, fit and determined like her. I mean seriously, Cpl in 2 years??? 2 YEARS! From what I've been told, that's hard to do. If she reads this, she knows I'm talking about her. But since I got pregnant, There's been feeling of failure lurking in me. Regret of getting pregnant. And I keep telling myself that things happen for a reason. I know I've come a LONG way since the day that I decided I wanted to go into the Marine Corps. If you knew me back then, you'd know how much of a door mat I was. I was afraid to speak up my mind. I would honestly call myself a weakling back then. I'd cry over the dumbest shit, I'd stress over the stupidest, smallest things. I hated myself, I hated my weight, the way I look, you name it. The day Greg said "you won't be able to make it into the Marine Corps" was the day I decided to change. And I did. So there is some kind of accomplishment. But not completely fulfilling. There's always plan B as I know life does change in a blink of an eye. I just wish that feeling would go away. Maybe it's because we never really planned to get pregnant, we just kind of went with the flow. And I still don't feel like I'm pregnant. I do, unforutnatley, have the symptoms of a pregnant woman. And I've heard my baby's heartbeat each time I'm at the Dr's office. So I hope my feelings does change. Greg said I can live vicariously through our son/daughter. But to me, that just doesn't feel like it's enough.

When people ask if I'm still going into the Marine Corps, I actually start tearing up. I honestly feel like a complete failure for not completing that task. Why am I not joining? By the time I'm 29 (which is the cut off age to get INTO boot camp), the baby will be 6 months old. I can't do that to my child. If I was younger and had more time, I would probably do my damnedest as I know there are Women Marines who've done just that.

The Ultrasound is on July 14th. I hope that it hits me that I'm pregnant and that thought of being a Marine more than a Mom will soon subside. Things happen for a reason. Just wish I knew what the reason is.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Week 16 Prenatal Exam

So today I had my 16 week prenatal exam. I always look forward to that because I get to hear the baby's heartbeat each time :-). My OB is quite happy at how I am doing with the pregnancy! Since my 6 week prenatal I have lost 2lbs total since my 6 week prenatal exam and my blood pressure has been normal as well. I'm quite happy with that because I know I'm doing good. And no, I'm not trying to starve myself. I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise (well except the past 3 weeks, i blame pregnancy hormones, which is actually the culprit). Exercise also helped me lower my blood pressure and keep it normal! Oh, i've read somewhere that statistics say that women who are overweight, majority of them tend to gain more weight than what they are suggested to do. So I'm REALLY happy that I did not add to the statistics!

My OB (I really like her, she's so sweet and down to earth) she asked if I started feeling the baby move yet. I told her that I'm not quite sure, but i've been feeling a lot of short and faint muscle spasms and bubbles in my lower belly. She smiled and said "yup". Hehe, so that's quite exciting that I have been feeling my baby move. After the prenatal,I headed downstairs to do some more blood work. My 2nd trimester genetics test screening. For some reason when I was watching the lady poke the needle in my arm, it didn't hurt as much as I expected it. FYI: I always look away, I HATE needles... Ask my dad, he has a really funny story!

Well, After all that fun, I went straight to American River Crossfit to get some crossfit in. I've been deprived of not going for so long!!!! For today's WOD it was the AOTM (Athlete of the Month) WOD. I decided to kick it down a few and do a WOD off of Crossfit Mom. The warmup we did, i started feeling some cramps in my hip/lower abs. So i'd slow it down until it went away. I'd feel it on and off, but it wasn't painful, it was just annoying. Thanks 2nd trimester round ligament pain... you're such a joy... Hopefully getting back into crossfit will slowly start easing the pain and make it easier to do the WODS and lifting. Don't worry, my lifts max out at 30lbs.

Time for bed for me :-)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A nice surprise...

Last Tuesday morning, Greg text me at about 4:30am and asked if I was awake. So I called him because it was kind of odd for him to text me at 4:30am. I told him i was kind of awake as I hve been tossing and turning for a little while trying to get back to sleep. So he said "can you open the door for me?" I was quite shocked to hear him say that and I said "you're home?!?!" He laughed and said yes. I was so excited... And at the same time wasn't feeling too well as I still had a headache from over the weekend. I actually had to call in sick that day because of the headache :-(. But it was all good as I got to hang out with Greg too. He was home for a good week and a half. It was so nice to have that. Sucks on our finances, but worth it as that's a rarity. He took me to work the rest of the week which was nice because I can sleep in a little longer and i don't have to pay for parking.

For the rest of the week, we were getting ready for the weekend as we were going up to ice house to go shooting/camping. We left with a few friends of ours on Saturday, I didn't shoot as much, but it was still a nice change. Of course I shot my 5.7 and the AR and I'm good after that. haha. We set up tents when it started to cool down a little more. It was just us and 2 other friends of ours that went camping with us. It was still a lot of fun. The camp fire was all set up and we were.... well... playing with it. We threw a couple soda cans in it and a few glass bottles as well. The soda cans liquefied and the bottles melted... That's how hot the camp fire was. The next morning the guys shot a couple rounds through, had breakfast and then packed up. All in all it was a lot of fun. Would love to do it again, but hopefully near a body of water of some sort! haha

On Sunday eve, Greg and I went to the movies to watch Pirates of the Caribbean for our date night/anniversary/father's day thing. Mr. T was soooo tired that we ALMOST snuck out without him even noticing! We were soooo close! Anywho, the movie was great. We watched it in 3D. We didn't like the after credit's preview for the next movie though. Oh well. Lots of great movies this summer.

Greg actually left Wed. morning. He was on his way down to Fontana as our buddy Kevin was getting ready to take his Class A license the next morning and they were supposed to take off that day but apparently the office didn't set up his driver code. So they chilled in Fontana and watched The Hangover 2. Greg said he wants to wait and watch the Green Lantern with me. So i guess when he's home again, we'll watch that movie and maybe a couple other more as there is quite a few coming out this summer.

Greg will actually be home July 13th because the ultrasound to see the baby will be July 14th adn I really want him to be there! It's going to be exciting for us!!!

Anyways, off for me to do... well.... I'm not quite sure on this beautiful spring like weather Saturday.

Friday, June 17, 2011

back to reality

Well... I made it home safe and sound Monday night. I picked up bubbas and boy was he ready to go home! Guess he got tired of Lola (my friend's dog) constantly playing with him. I had a great and horrible vacation! It started off with a headache. Just a small one at first as soon as I got to the airport. So, I bought some water and just drank. It wasn't that bad at all. I arrived safely at Long Beach airport, it was my first time flying Jet Blue, and my mom arrived shortly after. Still had a small headache, but bearable. So, as soon as my mom arrived, I asked if we can get Yoshinoya. And on the way home, we did... oh boy was I happy! (Man, now I'm craving it again)

As soon as I got to my moms, dogs were nowhere to be found. I was calling Click and he wasn't responding. Mackie was the first to arrive to greet me. Wow has she grown since the last time I saw her. As excited as I as to see her, I really wanted to see Click. I actually started video taping as soon as I got inside the house. I walked towards the stairs, and guess who I saw? It was click! He was kind of shocked and amazed I was home! He does this cute thing where he just does not no what to do with himself. He bounces all over the place, runs up and down the stairs and this time, he started whining!!! Awww, it was just too cute. He was so overjoyed that everytime I try to pet him, he runs off. As soon as I get a hold of him, I get kisses galore! Oh how I love that dog! Of course the whole entire time I was trying to get a hold of Click, Mackie jumps in front of him for attention too.

After all that excitement, I sat down, ate my Yoshinoya and chit chatted with my parents. I left later that night to pick up my 2 younger sisters so that we can head out to palm springs for cousinhood 2011. What happens in cousinhood stays only with us :-). All in all, I had a blast! The only downside was having a headache all weekend and trying every home remedy there was out there including taking Tylenol. Nothing worked! Called the advice nurse, not much they can do and I had to wait until Monday to get a call about an appointment to see a Dr. about the headaches. The advice nurse also told me if it got worse to go to the ER. Sunday came around and we were on our way back to my mom's. Well, as soon as I got to my mom's, I ran to the bathroom and started puking! Oh it was horrible! Click was so excited to see me, but I was too busy puking my brains out to even notice him. After all that fun, my mom fixed my bed and brought an ice pack for me so that I can rest. I think i slept for an hour or so, woke up with a worse headache and went downstairs. Checked my blood pressure and it was normal and told my mom that maybe I should go to the ER. Got to the ER, they couldn't do anything for me either except prescribe me anti-nausea medication. Ugh, oh well, I tried to have fun... On to working

Thursday, June 9, 2011


So, I'll be leaving Sacramento in a few hours and on my way to Orange County to be with my cousins and sister for 2011 cousinhood!!! I'm excited! But on my way back to my mom's house, I'm most definintly going to ask her to stop by Yoshinoya! Ohhh Yumm!!!! I miss that place soooo much, I cna't waint to have Yoshinoya!

Well, last night was the first night I didn't have bubbas with me. It was quite.... lonely... I get to see him Monday night though for sure :-) This weekend though, when I'm at my mom's, I'll be surrounded by 3 dogs! Can't wait to see them either!

Well, hopefully I'll keep you updated this weekend, but we shall see how busy we will be!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Well, I'm 13 weeks pregnant now. This Thursday will be 14 weeks and into my 2nd trimester!!! woohoo!!! I'm still tired as hell, especially lately since I haven't been sleeping well at all. As soon as I get to bed, I'd have to get up and pee! This is of course right after I went before hitting the sack... Then after having to get up off the bed to pee and back to bed again... an hour later, i have to pee again! Ugh! No wonder I have lack of sleep lately! On top of that, i've been really nauseas lately too. To the point where I actually gag and hope that I don't puke! *Cries* "the joys of being pregnant" as some women will tell me... Joys??? JOYS?!?!?! how is lack of sleep and feeling nauseas a "joy"??? I was in a deeeeeep sleep during my lunch hour today, throughout my whole lunch! I was so tired, I actually fell asleep in front of my computer 10 minutes (i think) before my lunch even started. So i decided, eh, what the hell, i'll just sleep through my lunch. Hopefully things will become better in the 2nd trimester.

Oh, and apparently I'm starting to show! WTH??? Where did this bump come from?!?!?! I wasn't expecting to actually show until I'm around 20 weeks because I am overweight (not too much, but enough that it will take me a while to actually start showing). Maybe I'm not as overweight as I thought I am? or maybe the shape of my body allows me to start showing around this time as usually women who are in their "ideal" weight start showing around this time. So I gotta start buying some tops as my shirts are really starting to piss me off because they're just too short!

So, I will be leaving Thursday early afternoon to fly down to So. Cal for the weekend! 2011 Cousinhood!!!! Now, if you're wondering what "cousinhood" is, it's our yearly get together with the female cousins (daughters of the sisters of my dad's side of the family). I can't wait and hopefully i can handle the flight! Flying jet blue for the first time too! I heard great reviews about them, so I'm excited! I'll be getting things ready tomorrow after work, packing and stuff like that. Bubbas will be staying with Aunt Mayra and Uncle Frank for the weekend with their new pup Lola. At least he'll have a friend with him, even though he's like 20x bigger than Lola. If I have time, i should visit the Palm Springs Crossfit since it's only a street away from where we will be staying. I haven't gone to crossfit at all tihs week. With the combination of tiredness and getting things ready, it's been kind of hard to do!

So, I shall close this blog and bid you all a good night as this mama is really needing some sleep!

Friday, June 3, 2011

New things are always nice!

So last night I bought an old school Minolta x-700 Camera with 3 lenses, 1 fish eye lens attachment, 3 filters, 13 rolls of black and white film, 2 color rolls and 1 infrared rolls all for $80!!! So stoked!!! It's been so long since i've played with a camera. Last time I played with a camera like that was back in HS!!!! Can't wait to see what I can come up with. Hopefully one day I can take some great pictures like a few friends of mine in socal who take amazing pictures.

Well, this week has been ok. I went to the gym once only this week. I did get to bottle my beer today! woohoo (not like i can drink it anyways) but it's a cherry wheat. When Greg gets home, he'll have some beer waiting! :) Gonna look up some recipes for another batch. Probably going to make another batch or two for the party. I'm really hoping this one turned out ok. I didn't quite follow instructions as I was kind of in a ditzy moment when brewing. I guess we shall see.

Oh, in a couple days, I'll be in so cal!!! woohoo, can't wait to see my family and close friends. Been a while, i think since Christmas. It'll be cousinhood 2011! all the female cousins will be there minus 1 :(.

Anywho, gonna wrap this up, it's late and been really tired. I hope I'm not catching a cold!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sorry it's been a while. Lack of internet connection makes it difficult to keep this up to date.

Well, on July 14, Greg and I will see the ultrasound Tech to find out the sex of the baby... BUT! Instead of finding out that day, we're going to ask the Ultrasound Tech to write it on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope that we provide. We're going to wait a month and Greg and I are going to celebrate our birthdays together. We will actually find out the sex of the baby on August 6, 2011. The ONLY person that will know the sex of the baby other than the ultrasound tech will be the baker that we choose to go with. What we will do is hand the envelope to the baker and ask the baker to color the cake or inside frosting to coincide with the gender of the baby. When we have our birthday party and it's time to cut the cake, that's when we will find out the sex of the baby.

Now I know you're wondering why we're waiting almost a month to find out. Well, we want our family to be part of it but not only that, Greg is only home once a month and we have a lot of priorities now that we can't afford him being home more than that. He'll be home for the ultrasound and then again for the party. Another thing is, Greg used to go to the fox hunt every year for his birthday and I want to make sure he doesn't miss it this year as he has missed it every year for the past 4 years he's been back to Sacramento. And of course I want to go too to watch some cars get burned to the ground :-) hehe... The drag races are awesome as well... anywho...

We're very excited and I can't wait!!!!

How's the mama doing? well, I'm doing just fine! Still tired during the day but I've been able to make it to crossfit twice a week now! Now to just try to bump that up to thrice... I most definitely miss the heavy weights and intensity though... Doing max weights at 30lbs for the oly lifts but 23lbs max for any wods. Can't do sit ups now either, so my hands been hurting hanging on to the pull up bars doing knees to chest. Least i'm conditioning them for kipping pull ups :). One day I'll get it, but I know it's not any time soon AT ALL!

I've noticed i've been craving a lot of sweets lately and a lot of meat and rice. That's all I want, meat and rice... with a desert of chocolate! I don't pig out, thank goodness and i've been watching my weight. I eat till i'm full, but sometimes if it's that good, i can't help myself but to keep eating! Lately though, not a lot of food has been tasting too good for me though and it's killing me because I know i have to eat, but I just can't stomach the food. I made roast 2 nights ago, either it was missing something or the baby didn't like it. Who knows... I need a good recipe!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Fatigue??? Colds??? Agh!!!!

So the past few weeks I've been dealing with quite a bit of fatigue. I've been to the gym once a week those weeks and it's driving me insane!!!! I just get too tired to even think about working out. The start of this week feels a little differnt though. I took my claritin, which i take on and off unless necessary to keep away from becoming immune to it, and it usually works wonders except the past 2 days. I don't have that stupid stuffy nose, runny nose deal when i take claratin. I feel great actually! But the past 2 days i have been blowing my nose, itching like crazy, i can't breath! I really hope i'm not coming down with a cold! That would suck cuz I can only take Tylenol! I wonder if that's what's causing my tiredness?? along with lack of sleep because I get up twice a night at least to go pee! and then I have a hard time going back to sleep! It's just monday and I can't wait for the weekend!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

2nd Prenatal Exam

So on Thursday, May 19, 2011, I had my 2nd prenatal exam. Health-wise, everything is GREAT!!! I even lost 3 lbs since my last prenatal exam! That's a good thing because most women tend to gain around 5lbs their first trimester. Anywho, I got to hear the baby's heartbeat that day! It was at 160 bpm. It was truly amazing to hear!!!! I asked my Nurse Practitioner (NP) about when we'd be able to find out the sex of the baby. So she told me that after the exam, i'll speak with the clerical and set up future appointments including the ultrasound at 19 weeks. So i have 2 future appointments set up and my ultrasound as well. My next prenatal exam will be June 27th and then on July 14th will be my ultrasound. I'll be going to the Dr.'s about once a month up until i'm 36 weeks pregnant and then weekly or bi weekly until i give birth after that.

I'm am to be due around December 8, 2011. We are still very excited and happy to be going on this journey in life.

For our ultrasound on July 14th, that's when we're supposed to know the sex of the baby. But we decided that we want to tell the ultrasound tech that we want him/her to write it on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. Reason being is because we want to do a "revealing" party. It's not the baby shower, as baby showers tend to be 2 months before the baby's birth. So since it will be in mid July and Mine and Greg's birthday are just a few weeks later, we're going to celebrate our birthdays together the weekend of September 6th and reveal it through a cake. How do we do so, you ask? Well, my mother in law heard this on the Mark and Brian show radio. It's becoming quite popular as well. We're going to give the envelope to the baker of our choice (it's between Ettorie's and Ginger Elizabeth) and tell the baker to have the inside of the cake blue or pink, depending on what the baby's sex is. The frosting will be a neutral color of course and when we cut into our birthday cake, that's when we get to find out the sex of the baby! It's still in the works and I'm probably going to send out invitations in a few weeks. We're still trying to figure out where we want to have the party at.

After the exam, i kept thinking about the baby's heartbeat. For the first hour back to work, i was feeling kind of emotional. But happy as well. I think it was just the excitement of it all! haha

Well, Friday night, Greg surprised me with the help of Adam. Adam asked me if i wanted to go with him to drive down to Salinas, since that's where Greg told me he would be at. And so I said sure. When Adam arrived, Mr. T followed me to the door and he took a look at Adam and looked down the cat walk, looked back at Adam and down the cat walk again. I was wondering why he kept doing that. Then adam said that he brought a gift for me. Shortly after, I heard Greg whistling down stairs. I was so glad to have him home for the weekend! The 3 of us went to Sandra Dee's for dinner that night. Visited Adams dad and his grandparents at his dads for a bit. Then Saturday I went with Greg to go pick up his load out in Salinas. I was so glad I went with him because we were there for hours!!!! He left this morning

So, sorry to ramble like usual, but it's bed time for me. Goodnight all :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

So yesterday I did my 3 hour glucose test. Let's hope it comes out normal. I will remember to bring something to eat for after a glucose test. I was shacking and sweating pretty bad shortly after I was finally done with the test. My right arm ended up being bruised too. Least that's done and over with.

Just a few more days and I have my second prenatal exam! Can't wait! Hopefully there's an ultrasound! I have been so tired the past few days its pretty bad. I have little to no energy. I need to get back to crossfit! I miss it, but I also miss my energy.

Oh another countdown, 4 more weeks until 2011 cousinhood!!!! Too bad I can't drink!!!! *cries* at least there's next year. And another countdown, 5 weeks until Greg comes home and our 4 year anniversary! Can't believe we've been married for 4 years already! And I know we have a long way to go. Him being a trucker has tested our relationshi and we are passing with flying colors. Not much of a test now. It just sucks, but it's a necessity until we can have enoughs for Greg to get his guard card.

Tired and it's bedtime. Goodnight all!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Begining of Our journey

So, I'll start from about a month ago. Early March I went with Greg on the road for a week and a half. It was a blast. I got to see Oregon, Washington, tip of Idaho and Montana. I also got to experience my first snow fall! I was giggling like a little school girl the whole entire time. Being a trucker's wife is not easy as I only see Greg once a month for a few days. So being with him for those 2 weeks was a really nice change.

The first week home, I felt extremely tired, tired by 1930! So I thought nothing of it. I thought I was just adjusting to being back home. A week later, it felt like Aunt Flow was on her way for a visit. But it felt different that time. So I googled it and saw a few things it could be. One being pregnant. So the following day, Monday, I went and bought a pregnancy test after work. Cramps were bad that day too! The following morning, I peed on a stick. While waiting for the results, I was just thinking that it'll just show up negative and voiala, Aunt flow will be knocking at the door soon. The minutes finally passed and to my surprise, 2 lines appeared. I was shocked, surprised, happy, excited, sad, nervous, any and all emotion other than anger.

Shortly after, I gave Greg a call. I woke him up from a dead sleep. But I told him I had something very important to tell him. So I told him I took the test and it came out positive. That may have been the best wake up call he ever received. Slowly the whole world knew of our exciting news.

So here we are today. Almost 11 weeks pregnant. I have had my ups and downs. I've been nauseas but never threw up. Though there have been times where it felt like it was more needed just to get rid of the nausea. I've also been getting really tired lately. Like no energy at all kind of tired.

I have had my first prenatal exam already at 6 weeks. I'm to be due around early december. The exam was exciting. I got to hear our baby's heart beat. Though we didn't see much except for a little flutter in the screen which was the baby's heartbeat. Since I'm overweight, I've been really good about eating healthier and exercising when fatigue doesn't win. I want a healthy baby and I want to avoid a c-section if I can.

So far the journey has been very exciting. we already started looking at clothes and furniture. I registered us on babies r us as well and looking at different types of cribs to build. YES, build... A friend of ours has a nice wood shop and I asked if he can help be build a crib for the baby. Everyone around us is so excited! Especially our family as this will be the first grandchild. Baby Boling will be spoiled for sure!