Friday, May 13, 2011

The Begining of Our journey

So, I'll start from about a month ago. Early March I went with Greg on the road for a week and a half. It was a blast. I got to see Oregon, Washington, tip of Idaho and Montana. I also got to experience my first snow fall! I was giggling like a little school girl the whole entire time. Being a trucker's wife is not easy as I only see Greg once a month for a few days. So being with him for those 2 weeks was a really nice change.

The first week home, I felt extremely tired, tired by 1930! So I thought nothing of it. I thought I was just adjusting to being back home. A week later, it felt like Aunt Flow was on her way for a visit. But it felt different that time. So I googled it and saw a few things it could be. One being pregnant. So the following day, Monday, I went and bought a pregnancy test after work. Cramps were bad that day too! The following morning, I peed on a stick. While waiting for the results, I was just thinking that it'll just show up negative and voiala, Aunt flow will be knocking at the door soon. The minutes finally passed and to my surprise, 2 lines appeared. I was shocked, surprised, happy, excited, sad, nervous, any and all emotion other than anger.

Shortly after, I gave Greg a call. I woke him up from a dead sleep. But I told him I had something very important to tell him. So I told him I took the test and it came out positive. That may have been the best wake up call he ever received. Slowly the whole world knew of our exciting news.

So here we are today. Almost 11 weeks pregnant. I have had my ups and downs. I've been nauseas but never threw up. Though there have been times where it felt like it was more needed just to get rid of the nausea. I've also been getting really tired lately. Like no energy at all kind of tired.

I have had my first prenatal exam already at 6 weeks. I'm to be due around early december. The exam was exciting. I got to hear our baby's heart beat. Though we didn't see much except for a little flutter in the screen which was the baby's heartbeat. Since I'm overweight, I've been really good about eating healthier and exercising when fatigue doesn't win. I want a healthy baby and I want to avoid a c-section if I can.

So far the journey has been very exciting. we already started looking at clothes and furniture. I registered us on babies r us as well and looking at different types of cribs to build. YES, build... A friend of ours has a nice wood shop and I asked if he can help be build a crib for the baby. Everyone around us is so excited! Especially our family as this will be the first grandchild. Baby Boling will be spoiled for sure!

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