Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Better feeling

He is feeling a lot better today, as you can tell.  His fever is down, so he is back to his normal temp this morning.  He woke up screaming this morning though.  Probably because he's teething.  But around noon, I noticed that he started getting a rash on his tummy and to his back.  None on his legs or arms, a little bit on his face.  So I called the advice nurse to find out what the rash was since Wyatt's doctor visit, she did say that sometimes a fever will start and a few days later symptoms will appear.  I explained to the advice nurse what has been going on since Saturday and that he developed a rash just on his torso and back.  So she told me that it's roseola.  Starts off with a high fever and once they're better and in normal temp range, then they develop a rash.  So she told me to just keep an eye on him.  He's doing just fine.  He's a little fussy, but that's because he's teething.  But he is still laughing, eating, pooping, peeing, etc just like any other day.  So the advice nurse took down my name and number so that I can get a doc note because she said that I may have to stay home the next 2 days.

So shortly after, Wyatt's primary doctor called.  First off, I LOVE his doctor!!!  Anyway, I spoke with him and he said that we don't need to bring Wyatt in because what I described to the advice nurse, definitely sounds like Roseola.  Then I asked him about daycare and he said that Wyatt is good to go back to daycare tomorrow and that it's not contagious now.  He was explaining to me as well that Roseola is common in infants and toddlers and not adults.

Overall, Wyatt is doing GREAT today :-) so glad to have my lil guy better.

I'll be going back to work tomorrow and Wyatt is good to go to daycare as well.

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