Sunday, July 24, 2011

If Heaven wasn't so far away

So there's this song that I absolutely love! It's called "If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away" by Justin Moore. And at times it makes me cry. I don't know why, but I've been thinking about my grandparents a lot lately. They were a big part of my life and they have passed on years ago. My Lolo (grandfather) passed away when I was 12 or 13. He was the one who taught me how to play the piano. I remember being a little girl, sitting next to that baby grand piano and my Lolo playing it. Both my Lolo and Lola (grandmother) were such great pianists! They both had the eye and ear to play. They both knew how to read and make their own. I grew up with classical music and black and white film featuring Shirley Temple (a lot). I remember watching a lot of Jerry Lewis (still one of my favorite actors) with James Dean. I remember watching The Wizard of OZ in black and white. Before I go completely off track, My grandfather used to play New York, New York a lot with me. Every time I hear that song, I think of him. I remember he would pick me and my sister up from ballet class and sometimes take us to baskin robins or even Ralph's! I remember being close to him. I wish he was still here.

My Lola passed away when I was 21 years old. Not only was she great with the piano, she was an amazing seamstress, designer. She used to work for General hospital as their seamstress. I remember seeing all her "badges" to Emmy awards hanging from the window sil where she put her sewing machine. She had an album of dresses she made for the actors and actresses for General Hospital (even for Demi Moore and Elizabeth Taylor). Her album even included a telegram of her being nominated for best seamstress. Even it being her job, she made a lot of clothes for me and my sisters. I dont' know why, but she always dressed me and my older sister like twins. For a lot of family gatherings, we wore matching outfits. The last dress she made me was my prom dress which I still have. I plan on using that when Greg and I have our wedding (which has been pushed back to 10 year anniversary). When I think of my grandparents, I think of how much fun they would have with Baby Boling whether it's a boy or girl. They loved us all. I just wish they were still here.

If heaven wasn't so far away, I'd ask my Lola to teach me how to sew. I would love to learn her tricks and I would love to learn how to sew just like her. She really knew how to fit your clothes like a glove! If heaven wasn't so far away, I'd ask my Lolo to play just one more song with me and show him how my vocals have improved since I was a kid.

I miss them. And sometimes it's hard to let go.

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