Friday, September 23, 2011

Hospital Tour!

Last night Greg and I had our hospital tour and late pregnancy class. We got to learn what we'll be expecting the next few months leading up to labor and what signs to look out for if I do go into labor. She gave us information for very informative classes to take like 'Baby make Three' which she emphasis how important it is because of the big change to come along and how to cope in the relationship, communication between each other and such. There were a few other classes she explained. I still have to take my preparing for birth class and how to care for a newborn. OH! And breastfeeding class.

As far as the birth class, I'm really leaning towards a more natural birth. If women have done it for years, why can't I? At first, the thought of labor to me was just all pain. And well, I'm a whimp when it comes to pain. I have a very low tolerance of pain. But, thinking about giving birth naturally seems more right to me. I want to have meds as a last resort. If the pain is just too unbearable kind of last resort.

When we toured the hospital, she was explaining what goes on, all the way up to discharge. It's a pretty secure place too! Everyone has to sign in at the security desk. They get their picture taken and their name and picture are printed on a sticky thingy that they'll have to wear in order to see me. So family and friends who will be there for the birth of Wyatt, keep that in mind, you'll need your ID!!!!!!!!!!!!! So begining of labor, we start off at the first check. It's a small room that will monitor contractions, baby's heart beat and mom of course. If I were in labor, I would not be in that room for long. Basically it's to determin if it's a false labor or a true labor. Then, if I were actually in labor, I would be given my own room with papa's in tow (and anyone else to comfort me). The room is HUGE! They even have a couch to pull out as a bed for papa's to lay in. I think we had about 20 something people in the class last night and we were all able to comfortably fit in that room. There was a TV with a DVD player, a nice bathroom with a shower (and chair) in it. A rocking chair and this really cool high tech thingy for when Wyatt is born to be weight, measured, monitored and temp regulated. It was so neat. By the way, there's no nursery! Wyatt will be with me the whole entire time! Then, few hours after birth, I will be transfered to the next floor up for recovery for the next day or two. Once again, another big room, but without all the medical electronics. I am quite happy with all that we will be expecting. OH! and we get a free diaper bag from Kaiser. I'm really liking Kaiser more and more as I'm goign through this pregnancy!

Now, the tour was not the most interesting part. The most interesting part of last night (crossing fingers that dear mother in law does not see this until after Greg tells her), the lady who gave us the tour, she was there for Bill's birth! She was either Roni's mid wife or birth coach or something... I don't remember. her and Greg were exchanging stories, but she was more so telling him what she remembers, which was crazy enough right on the dot. Like greg and his "juice". He thought the wine Roni was drinking was juice, so he had to get his stomach pumped, and she said that to this day, she still tells that story. How crazy is it that this world is so small????!!! How we found out was, after the class and on our way to the labor and delivery building, she was saying "I knew Boling's once" so Greg said "Donna" (his grandmother)? she shook her head no and as soon as Greg said "Roni" you should have seen the look on her face. The look of "" kind of look. We were all in shock. She said "I think i was at your birth" and so Greg asked if she worked at Sutter San Juan, she said no. So I say, maybe Bill's birth?. So Greg said that Bill had his birth at home, and she was excited and said YES! and asked if Scott was his dad. She was there for Bills birth, along with her husband and her 4 year old daughter. We still can't get over all this. We were in shock. She said that she has Greg's cookie jar (I really don't know much about that).

At the end of the tour, we asked her if she would be there for the birth of Wyatt as our labor coach. She said she would love to, but with her schedule of tours, she can't gurantee it. We totally understand. It would be pretty cool if she was there. She'll be present for another Boling birth. Crazy small world I tell ya! So now, we have her number and I'm hoping to take a private birth class from her. I'm thinking more Bradley than Lamaze with a side of hypno birthing.

I'm really excited about it all. Just the thought of finally meeting Wyatt gets me all teary eyes (which by the way, i've been more emotional lately, I'm hating it!). The thought of seeing the look on Greg's face when he gets to finally hold him in his arms. *cries* tears are forming, I'll stop!

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