Sunday, April 29, 2012

Silver Boobs!!!!

Well, in 11 days I'll be reaching the silver boob award!  I'm quite excited about that.  It took me a while to figure out what these "boobie awards" were.  I saw them all over the place on baby forums.  So Silver boobie award means that I've been breastfeeding for 6 months.
Wyatt after breastfeeding
I'm hoping to breastfeed as long as I can.  Or to the point where Wyatt is 18 months.  Well, I don't knwo yet, I'm not quite sure how I entirely feel about extending breastfeedinghim.  Maybe 2 years old?  Ha, I'm just kind of in the "whatever happens, happens".  I love breastfeeding him and I'm lucky to be able to as well.  It's by far the best bonding experience ever!  If I had the time, I would probably try to become a lactation consultant.  But I'm not one to tell someone forumla feeding is bad.  Honestly, I think now it's more so a choice if someone would rather breastfeed or formula feed.  I'm not going to judge if someone is formula feeding their baby.  I think that's the problem with some lactation consultants.  And some moms who are breastfeeding their babies.

Actually, Wyatt was formula fed at first because I was told to by the hospital.  If I would have read more into breastfeeding, I probably would have opt out of formula feeding him at the hospital.  I would have worked on getting him to latch since I was able to get him to latch a few times, but I gave up so easily and just gave him formula because I didn't know any better. I would have just breastfed him before I found out he hand jaundice.  Then in that case, I would be ALL over formula to feed him since that was what was helping him get rid of the jaundice fast.  He was out within a few days :-)  So I'm very happy that I was able to formula feed him and luckily I didn't have any trouble with "nipple confusion".  I remember I had a hard time at first with breastfeeding him.  I had so many days where It was just too painful to breastfeed him, but I powered through those pains and tried correcting his latch.  Lanolin was with me 24/7 because it helped out with relieving some pain so much!  A few days after bringing Wyatt home, I scheduled an appointment with the lactation consultant because of the fact that I had a hard time getting him to latch.  She suggested I used a nipple shield.  It worked GREAT!  I then stopped giving him formula, unless we were out and about because I wasn't comfortable with nursing in public yet.  I think i used the nipple shield for about a month and a half.  That nipple shield was awesome, but it was such a pain in the butt to have to put it on every single feeding.  So I started weaning him off the nipple shield.  Within a few days, I put the the nipple shield aside and I have never used it again.  I love breastfeeding, and I know that when I have to give it up, I'll miss it, but I'll probably be happy to have my boobs back!  haha.

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