Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wyatt's first small fall

Poor Wyatt, he took his first fall yesterday.  It wasn't anything major thankgoodness.  But I always read up on babies falling and hearing stories of dropped babies by accident.  And every response I've heard or seen online was/is "it happens... and it's not the last either."

So, what happened was, Greg was putting Wyatt in his swing and at the same time, Mr. T was being VERY spastic.  More than usual.  While he was getting ready to buckle Wyatt in, at the same time, Mr. T was being very needy, so Greg was trying to tell Mr. T to calm down.  Next thing he sees is Wyatt rolling around in his swing and rolls off his seat and face plants to the ground.  Greg tried to catch Wyatt but Wyatt slipped out of his hands.  The fall was only a few inches away and Greg said Wyatt cried for a few seconds and was perfectly fine after Greg picked him up.  Greg felt so bad that, that happened.  He called me shortly after it happened and I could just hear the dissapointment in his voice.  I told him to not worry about it and that it happens.  Greg called me again later that afternoon and was telling me that he couldn't stop thinking about it.  So I assured him that it's goign to be OK and that babies fall all the time and that it's not going to be the last time either.  I almost cried for him because of how bad he felt.  He said he felt like he just won the worlds worst father award.  His boss even told him that baby falls happen and it'll happen often especially once they're mobile.  But on top of that, his boss was making fun of him all day.  Poor Wyatt on his first fall... and poor Greg on feeling so horrible.  I tried making him feel better when we got home.  He just couldn't stop thinking about it because he said the look that Wyatt gave him looked like "really, you dropped me?" kind of look.  I know it'll happen to me one day too.  And I'll feel the same way Greg felt.

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